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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 Page 9 <br />that they would misunderstand his role did come up, although he made <br />it very clear exactly who he was and what he was and was not capable <br />of doing. These people know, by State Law, what a Planning Commission <br />Chair can or cannot do. However, both cities expressed their thanks <br />for informing them of this proposal. In fact, in a subsequent <br />conversation with Oakdale's Planner he said we acted very responsibly <br />and professionally. <br />Johnson stated that as a former Chairman of the Planning Commission, <br />he would have thought it to be very appropriate to go to another city <br />and tell them about a proposed major development within the City of <br />Lake Elmo and ask for their input. He felt the actions that DeLapp <br />took were totally appropriate. He is chagrined about this <br />inappropriate action taken by Moe. He feels Moe reacted to a piece of <br />information, without consulting with DeLapp as to exactly what he did. <br />Moe has brought this before the Council and Johnson feels at best this <br />is an attempt at character assasination. Johnson said Moe told him in <br />an earlier telephone conversation that it was Moe's feeling that <br />DeLapp has spoke with the City of Oakdale and asked the City of <br />Oakdale to make a favorable response that they would like to have <br />Federal Land Company in their City so it wouldn't end up in Lake Elmo, <br />and that DeLapp had used that in getting the project terminated as far <br />as being located in Lake Elmo. Johnson further stated that he desires <br />to somehow bridge the gap that is developing in this City. <br />Christ stated that he not only supported the actions of DeLapp, but he <br />also applauds these actions. He feels that if other communities were <br />more open with their plans we wouldn't be hearing through the back <br />door about race tracks and tire recycling plants in our neighboring <br />communities or right next to major residential developments in our <br />community. He further stated that Moe is talking about removing from <br />office an individual that has done nothing but tremendous good for <br />this community and has spent countless hours for the betterment of <br />this community and feels Moe is doing this for political reasons - and <br />finds this totally incredible, in fact one of the most incredible <br />things he has every heard and doesn't feel the rest of the people at <br />the meeting need to be subjected to this stupidity. <br />Moe asked that the City Attorney draw up some guidelines as to what he <br />previously stated. <br />Christ responded that that would require a majority vote of the <br />council, and suggested that the City send a letter of apology to <br />DeLapp for the totally inappropriate allegations Moe -kas VVIaAp, <br />