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07-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-07-87 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 Page 4 <br />Novak felt the council was providing the applicant with future <br />justification for development of the western half of the property and <br />with it the real possibility of sewer. <br />Armstrong stated that she felt the cul-de-sac came in the back door. <br />The motion approving it was without benefit of a public hearing and <br />before Preliminary Plat approval was given. The specific reason for <br />the cluster and the resulting outlot was to retain open space and in <br />permitting this te-mperary cul-de-sac extension to the western boundary <br />of the cluster, the very purpose of the Outlot is defeated. This is <br />entirely contrary to the motion regarding preserving open spaces in <br />the Outlot of this plat voted on by this council on April 7, 1987. <br />The Developer has every intention of filling in this land with dense <br />housing. The soils in the outlot are so very poor as to prevent any <br />development that is not sewered. There is no sewer availability for <br />this land in the forseeable future. The lift station the developer is <br />counting on to provide sewering for this land is intended for and is <br />being paid for by landowners in Oakdale. This should have been <br />platted so that the cluster in the Northeast corner is self-contained <br />and not giving the impression to a future land owner of the outlot <br />that they are entitled to a sewered development simply because the <br />council in 1987 voted yes to something that didn't apply to what was <br />before them. <br />The applicant responded that it would be written in to the developers <br />agreement that only one house would be allowed on this outlot. Also, <br />the reference to future development is for if and when the rules and <br />regulations change and the property is allowed to be developed. <br />Christ stated he has no desire to sewer the outlot, and has no desire <br />to approve septic systems under our existing land use, but perhaps 40 <br />years down the road it would be better that the road is there and has <br />the ability to go on. He feels there may be a definition problem with <br />"temporary" and has no objections to the plat the way it stands, <br />although his intent is not to open it up for future development. <br />Graves concurred with Christ and added that he thought the City was <br />showing some responsibility to our future generations by allowing this <br />street so when the environment does change - when there is a need to <br />develop this outlot, we won't have to tear up someones property to put <br />a road through. It is part of our minutes that our intention is to <br />leave this outlot as open space for the forseeable future - as long as <br />the Comprehensive Plan and our City Ordinances are as they exist. <br />Armstrong felt the council would be hard-pressed to deny a future <br />applicant's contention that by allowing the temporary cul-de-sac the <br />intention of the council was to permit further development when <br />requested. She felt this plat could have been developed in such a way <br />so as to not leave this road hanging in the middle of an outlot. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To adopt Resolution 87-33 grant Final Plat <br />approval to Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition subject to the <br />recommendations of the City Engineer and incorporating the conditions <br />of the Preliminary Plat approval given on June 16, 1987, and subject <br />to applicant complying with the recommendations of the Washington <br />
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