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07-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-07-87 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 <br />Page 5 <br />County Public Works Department, and subject to City Attorney's written <br />approval of the developers agreement, and subject to listing the <br />partnership members as required in city code section 401.240 B.l.C., <br />and subject to park dedication fees of $250 per lot. (Motion carried <br />4-1 <Armstrong>) <br />Johnson reiterated that there be no question remaining that outlot A <br />is to be platted so as to allow nothing more than one single family <br />dwelling. <br />B. Resolution on Illegal Subdivisions in Lanes DeMontreville <br />Country Club. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To adopt Resolution 87-32 prohibiting illegal <br />subdivisions in Lanes DeMontreville Country Club. (Motion carried <br />5-0) (Copy of resolution attached and made part of these minutes). <br />C. Shoreland Permit: George Everitt, 4460 Jack Pine Trail N. <br />The City Engineer stated there were no variances required with this <br />request, and there were no concerns with the DNR. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - To grant a Shoreland permit to George Everitt, <br />4460 Jack Pine Trail N. for the purpose of constructing a garage. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />8. City Engineer's Report <br />A. 201 Program: Time Extension Request from Widmer, Inc. <br />Widmer, Inc. has requested a five week extension. Their completion <br />date was June 3, 1987, and the extension request is until July 7, <br />1987. The reason for the time extension request was the unseasonable <br />wet weather last September that didn't allow them to get a timely <br />start. As of June 3, 1987, all of the systems were in the ground. <br />Most of the landscaping was completed but some of the sodding wasn't <br />completed. <br />The City Engineer stated the time extension did not cause the project <br />to incur any additional costs for construction or inspection, or to <br />property owners, and recommended that there be no penalty assessed by <br />the City to Widmer for going over the contract time. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Moe - To issue a change order to Widmer, Inc. granting <br />an extension of time of completion from June 3, 1987 until July 7, <br />1987 for work done on the 201 Project with no penalty assessed by the <br />City to Widmer for going over the contract time. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />B. MSA Project Feasbility Study: 47th St. <br />The City Engineer reviewed the upcoming public hearing for the 1987 <br />MSA Project. There are 7 property owners involved. Two of these <br />property owners do not directly abut the property, but via a private <br />road easement, are provided access to this road. In past situations <br />
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