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07-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-07-87 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 Page 7 <br />with it. There are some guidelines in the design manuals that <br />indicate that it (the curbs) would be a safe situation. <br />Bohrer further stated that moving the road North would require <br />property acquisition from the property owner on the North. If the <br />City choses to go with this proposal, the City should, to clear up the <br />matter of right-of-way, negotiate with the property owners (on the <br />south side) to see if they will dedicate a road easement (about from <br />the fences to the section line). On the north side, there will be some <br />right-of-way acquisitions needed from Mr. Sullwold (approximately 1/2 <br />acre) . <br />It was the consensus of the council to proceed with the proposal as <br />presented by the City Engineer; ie: To proceed with designing the <br />street by moving it 4 feet to the north and using the curb design in <br />an effort to preserve the significant trees, contingent upon approval <br />from the State Engineer, and the City Engineer should prepare for the <br />public hearing based on this proposal. <br />Bohrer also commented that some of the Oak trees will require some <br />trimming of the lower branches, and some of the non -specimen trees <br />will have to be removed. <br />The Mayor called a recess at 8:55 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at <br />9:05 P.M. <br />9. City Council Reports <br />A. Alledged Planning Commission Improprieties <br />Council member Moe distributed a letter from Oakdale's City Planner, <br />Brent Brommer, addressed to Steve DeLapp, Planning Commission <br />Chairperson regarding the Federal Land proposal. <br />Council member Moe stated that he recently talked with the Brent <br />Brommer, the City Planner from Oakdale. Brommer mentioned that he had <br />been talking to the Planning Commission Chairman from the City of Lake <br />Elmo in regards to a proposal that he was trying to sell or give to <br />the City of Oakdale that had something to do with the Federal Land <br />Company. Moe said he asked Brommer if he would explain a little more <br />about what he (DeLapp) was doing, and Brommer responded that he <br />had been calling him on the phone, and had stopped into the office and <br />requested a letter be sent in response to his questions to the City of <br />Oakdale._ Moe questioned who gave DeLapp any authority to speak for <br />the City of Lake Elmo. Moe further asked DeLapp if he knew the <br />purpose of the Planning Commission, and asked DeLapp for an <br />explanation of the letter that was sent to him from the City of <br />Oakdale, and asked DeLapp if he did or did not try to sell the Federal <br />Land proposal to Oakdale. <br />DeLapp responded that a $20+ million project is quite significant to <br />the City of Lake Elmo. The proposal to put this project on land that <br />is zoned Rural Residential with a future land use map of farming was a <br />notable item that people should be aware of. DeLapp said he checked <br />the City Ordinance which states that property owners within 350' of <br />
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