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07-07-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-07-87 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes for July 7, 1987 <br />Page 8 <br />the property in question be notified of the proposed project, and at <br />the discretion of the Planning Commission other persons may be <br />notified. He said his first concern was to notify the (Lake Elmo) <br />Bank, as Federal Land's proposal calls for two banks. Also, the City <br />Ordinance states that when you have a zoning change or possible <br />amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the City is to notify the <br />Metropolitan Council, if the proposal is of Metropolitan significance. <br />DeLapp stated that what he did, knowing there was a race track being <br />supported by Oakdale, and a variety of things going on in Woodbury, <br />was solicit comment from these adjacent communities. He contacted <br />Woodbury's Planner to advise him of th public hearing on the Federal <br />Land proposal, and asked him if Woodbury would like to comment on this <br />proposal. DeLapp also contacted Oakdale's Planner with the same <br />information. Oakdale's response was this was the type of development <br />Oakdale was looking for as they had land zoned for it. <br />Moe stated that DeLapp should answer whether or not he knows the <br />purpose of the Planning Commission. If he doesn't know the purpose of <br />the Planning Commission, he has gone beyond the bounds as a Commission <br />member by making contact with other communities. <br />DeLapp responded that if the City had a larger staff, perhaps it <br />wouldn't be necessary for the members of the Planning Commission or <br />City Council to share in the volunteer work in this town. <br />Moe responded that the duties of the Planning Commission is to make <br />recommendations on planning, review and recommend applications on <br />subdivisions, look at zoning applications, review PUD's and review <br />site and building plans, as provided by Ordinance. That is what the <br />Planning Commision is mandated to do by State Statute, and that is all <br />they are required to do. Moe further stated that comments have been <br />made to him such as "can't you control your Planning Commission"? <br />Christ stated that the City does not control the Planning Commission, <br />and we better hope that the City never does have that control. <br />When asked for a legal opinion, the City Attorney stated he had not <br />yet heard any specific illegality. Regarding the letter from Oakdale, <br />Knaak added, if there was some representation made that the Chairman <br />of the Planning Commission was in someway acting on behalf of the <br />City, it would be for the Council to decide if it would be cause for <br />any kind0reprimand, removal or guidance. The purpose of the Planning <br />Commission is specified in the City Code. If what Moe is suggesting <br />is that there was representation made that was inappropriate, it is up <br />to the Council to determine whether or not that would constitute just <br />cause for removal. Knaak suggested that the Council very carefully <br />define what it feels would be appropriate or inappropriate behavior, <br />and in this case, make a specific finding of wrong -doing. Because <br />there is no clearly established procedure in the Ordinance, it seems <br />that the solution is if the Council finds there has been a wrong -doing <br />in this particular case, something in the nature of direction as <br />opposed to removal might be more appropriate. <br />DeLapp responded that in talking to the professional staffs that deal <br />with the Planning Commission's of Woodbury and Oakdale, the thought <br />
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