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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 12 <br />A copy of the beer license application has been forwarded to <br />Washington County for approval by the County Attorney and Sheriff. A <br />copy of the gambling permit application has been forwarded to the <br />Charitable Gambling Control Board. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve an on -sale non -intoxicating malt liquor <br />license for Guardian Angels Fall Festival, September 19 and 20, 1987 <br />contingent upon a favorable recommendation from the County Attorney <br />and Sheriff. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve a charitable gambling license for <br />Guardian Angels Fall Festival, September 19 and 20,1987 for Bingo, <br />Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards and Pull -Tabs all of which are <br />allowed by the Lake Elmo Municipal Code. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for Huff n'Puff Days <br />The Lake Elmo Jaycees have applied for an on -sale non -intoxicating <br />malt liquor license for its anual Huff n'Puff festival to be held <br />•August 13 thru August 16, 1987. A copy of the application for the <br />beer license has been forwarded to Washington County for approval by <br />the County Attorney and Sheriff. <br />In the past, the City has waived the $10 fee for the license. Also, <br />although last years minutes did not indicate so, Deputy Clerk Kueffner <br />believed Washington County recommended that a Deputy be on duty while <br />beer is being served (in Lions Park only). <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to approve an on -sale non -intoxicating malt liquor <br />license to the Lake Elmo Jaycees for its annual Huff n'Puff festival <br />to be held August 13 thru August 16, 1987 contingent upon applicant <br />complying with recommendations from the County Attorney and Sheriff, <br />and to waive the $10 fee for this license. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Cable TV <br />City Administrator Overby was contacted by an attorney of a cable TV <br />company that serviced this area and informed him the City Hall was <br />not wired for cable TV. Even though there is not a need for <br />programming at this point, Overby suggested they take advantage of <br />wiring the facility that they provide which is at no cost. Later on <br />if there was a need for cable programming, a modest equipment package <br />would be $8,000 and up. <br />Mayor Christ could not see any benefit to have Cable TV in the future, <br />but if there is no charge involved wiring of the city hall should be <br />done. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to explore the installation of wiring the City Hall <br />for cable TV provided there is no cost to the City. (Motion carried <br />4-0) . <br />E. Ditch Mowing <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger asked for direction from the Council <br />