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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />Mayor Christ recapped that Dan Novak of the Landfill Advisory <br />Committee stated they support this recycling program. This <br />demonstrates we are trying to do something with our own waste rather <br />than having them put it in somebody else's back yard. Christ was in <br />favor of them doing follow-up work and report back to the Council with <br />final costs and a Request For Proposal. <br />Councilman Johnson thought it was an excellent program and the other <br />councilmembers agreed and gave approval to the concept. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to proceed with a plan and report back with <br />final costs to the City and with a Request for Proposal. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />8. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Revision of the Functional Road <br />Classification. <br />City Administrator Overby explained the need to update the City's <br />functional road classification had existed since the Comprehensive <br />Plan was partially revised in 1986. The urgency of revising this <br />element became more apparent during the discussions between MnDOT and <br />the City in regard to the City's plans to have the Municipal State Aid <br />designation changed from Kimbro Avenue-50th Street to Kimbro <br />Avenue-43rd Street. This change cannot be approved by MnDOT until the <br />City submits a revised plan/map for its functional classification of <br />local roads in Lake Elmo. <br />City Engineer Bohrer prepared a revised Functional Classification map <br />as a proposed amendment to the 1986 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed <br />change for 1987 Functional Classification map are as follows: <br />a. Collector changed from Hytrail to DeMontreville Trail <br />b. Collector changed from Lake Jane Trail to 42nd Street <br />C. Collector changed from 50th Street to 43rd Street <br />d. Klevin Avenue removed from Collector status <br />e. CSAH 19B added as minor arterial <br />f. CSAH 15 alignment changed due to construction <br />g. All other Municipal State Aid Streets added as collectors <br />Councilman Graves asked if City Engineer Bohrer could check with the <br />County for the rationale for the loth Street road project scheduling. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the revised Functional Road <br />Classification for existing highways in Lake Elmo as part of an <br />amendment to the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan to be submitted by City <br />Staff to the Metro Council for its review and approval. (Motion <br />carried 4-0) . <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. 201 Program: Set Date for Assessment Hearings on Parts A,B,C <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the work on the on -site septic <br />system improvements is complete. The date must be set for the <br />