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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 9 <br />assessment hearing to assess the local share of the costs. The <br />hearing must be held prior to September 10, 1987 to meet County <br />deadlines. About 85 parcels are involved in the assessment, but we <br />��cannot predict how many will actually attend the hearing. Everyone <br />will be given their proposed assessment amount by mail two weeks prior <br />to the hearing. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to set September 1st City Council meeting as the <br />hearing date for the Assessment hearing on Parts A, B and C. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />B. Local Policy on Centerline Paint Striping and Tree Trimming <br />in the Right -of -Way. <br />This is a follow-up discussion from the last Council meeting of July <br />21, 1987. <br />The City Engineer, City Administrator and Maintenance Foreman have all <br />studied the question since then and the comments on road striping are <br />-- provided in the City Engineer's letter of 7-30-87. <br />- Bohrer offered the following suggested wording: <br />1. It is a policy of the City of Lake Elmo to provide centerline <br />paint striping of all City streets classified as "Collectors" <br />on the City's Functional Classification Map. <br />2. It is a policy of the City of Lake Elmo to provide centerline <br />paint Striping on those local streets which, due to substandard <br />width or limited visibility, would benefit from such striping. <br />Based on the previous County estimate of about $100 per mile, the <br />program outlined of 9.97 miles would cost about $1,000. However, some <br />of the existing striping is in good condition so that the need this <br />year is about $900. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to approve the local streets meeting the new policy <br />criteria for centerline striping (as stated in City Engineer's letter <br />dated 7-30-87) should be painted at a cost about $1000. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />'City Administrator Overby reported that according to the Lake Elmo <br />Municipal Code, the owner and the occupant of any property adjacent to <br />is boulevard (the area of public right-of-way between the pavement or <br />improved part of the street, and right of -way line) within the City of <br />Lake Elmo shall use due diligence to keep the boulevard in a safe <br />'condition. All limbs of trees which are less than 8 feet above the <br />surface of any public sidewalk or street shall be declared nuisance. <br />The owner or occupant shall abate or prevent such nuisances on such <br />property. <br />City Councilman Moe would like to see the City take a more aggress;vP <br />attitude and solve the visibiity problems associated with the narrow <br />roads. <br />