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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />Mayor Arlyn Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:08 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. <br />The applicant wishes to place fill under and around the existing <br />house, in order to raise the house 5 feet above the 100 year flood <br />elevation on Lake Jane. The house is located on the NE side of Lake <br />Jane. <br />Two variances are needed, in order to approve the Shoreland Permit for <br />the proposed project. <br />1. Variance to allow a 50 foot structure setback from <br />the NOHW mark, where 100 feet is required. <br />The site plan shows a 50' setback between the 922.0 NOHW elevation and <br />the house. The distance between the corner of the garage and the <br />922.0 elevation is approximately 25 feet. <br />2. Variance to allow placement of fill within the flood plain. <br />The applicant wants to place fill on the lot all the way to the 922.0 <br />elevation, with tapering or sloping to that point. The 1979 Flood <br />Insurance Rate Map shows that the Keane property is located within <br />Zone B, between the 100 year flood boundary (with 925 elevation) and <br />the 500 year flood boundary. These flood district boundaries and <br />elevations will have changed, with the new NOHW of 924.0 on Lake Jane <br />and 100 year flood elevation of 922.0. <br />It was reported in an addendum that the DNR has not finished its <br />review of this application, but has indicated that it probably will <br />not approve the amount of fill that the applicants wish to put on <br />their property. The DNR was still waiting for comments from the VBWD, <br />Soil and Water Conservation, City of Lake Elmo and the "Fisheries" <br />Department of the DNR. The agencies have thirty -days to comment on <br />this application and these comments are due about September 20. <br />Mollie Comeau of the DNR felt that what the Keanes were proposing was <br />essentially filling in the lake bed and creating a peninsula. The DNR <br />feels there were alternatives to what the Keanes are proposing which <br />would not require as much fill, and it will address these issues when <br />all comments are in (VBWD, City of Lake Elmo, Soil & Water <br />Conservation). <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained that three permits were necessary: <br />VBWD, DNR (to work in beds of protected waters) and a shoreland <br />permit. Bohrer asked if some fill could be put on Lot 10 for looks. <br />He also suggested a silt fence be used because of the turbidity of the <br />fine soils. <br />A letter was received from Mr. & Mrs. Carl Paul, adjacent property <br />owners, stating they would give full approval to whatever the Keanes <br />need and want to do in order for the Council to approve their request. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. <br />