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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />Mayor Christ stated he would give his approval for the shoreland <br />permit and fill request because the application would not be more <br />non -conforming, but contingent on the DNR's approval. <br />Councilman Graves would be in favor of approving the shoreland permit <br />and fill request; contingent on DNR approval in order to speed up the <br />process. <br />Councilman Johnson wished to indicate to the DNR that he heartily <br />approved, but had two concerns: quality of fill and the conditions of <br />the footings on the house. Twin City Testing reported that the <br />footings were adequate. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong applauded the Keanes for raising their home, <br />but suggested holding off until they heard from the DNR. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to grant the request for a variance to the <br />setback from Normal Ordinary High Water Mark on the Lake and variance <br />to allow the fact that filling within the Floodplain to David and <br />Nancy Keane based on this application does not increase the <br />non -conformity; all contingent on the approval of this variance action <br />by the DNR. (Motion carried 4-1<Armstrong>) <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to grant a shoreland permit to David and Nancy <br />Keane for the proposed work; contingent on approval of this action by <br />the DNR, placement of virgin fill to be verified by the Building <br />Official and erection of a silt fence. (Motion carried 4-1<Armstrong: <br />Keanes have a good idea, but felt they should wait for the DNR <br />comments>). <br />C. Request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Approval <br />of Mixed -Use PUD Concept Plan -Federal Land Company <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to take off the table the request for <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Approval of Mixed -Use PUD Concept <br />Plan by Federal Land Company. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mr. Bartholdi made a presentation on the request for a Comprehensive <br />Plan Amendment and on the PUD General Concept Plan at the August 4, <br />1987 City Council meeting. He had no further comments at this <br />meeting. <br />Although Phase I of the project was first brought before the Council <br />in October 1980 while the highway overlay district was in existence, <br />it was tabled at that time. City Attorney Knaak told the council that <br />the PUD must now be reviewed under the 1986 revised Comprehensive <br />Plan. An amendment to the 1986 Comprehensive Plan would be necessary <br />to grant approval. <br />Steve DeLapp, Chairman of the Planning Commission, pointed out that it <br />was stated by Federal Land that 165,000 cars are going past that <br />intersection in a day. DeLapp called the MN Dept. of Transportation <br />and found that there were 40,000 cars that go past Intersection 19 <br />which makes a 4-1 difference in volume. <br />