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09-01-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 9 <br />G. General Business Ordinance Amendment <br />Ed Gorman, owner of the White Hat restaurant, stated he did not want <br />to operate the proposed bakery with a conditional use permit because <br />it would not be possible for him to get a construction loan. He also <br />maintained that the bakery was not a manufacturing operation, and, <br />therefore, should be allowed. He said that manufacturing means "to <br />make by hand" which he does now by making his soup and buns. Gorman <br />also stated the City did not have control over whether his bakery <br />goods sold at wholesale. If someone comes in and buys a dozen <br />sandwiches then turns around and sell them at a higher price, this is <br />wholesaleing which he has no control over. He intends to use the <br />bakery goods in the Lake Elmo restaurants as well as his White Hat <br />restaurant in St. Paul, and then he would sell them, retail at the St. <br />Paul site. <br />Mayor Christ and Councilmembers Graves, and Moe agreed with Mr. Gorman <br />in amending the General Business zoning ordinance rather than issuing <br />a CUP. Johnson felt a bakery is a retail operation and should be <br />under General Business. He saw catering as being unobtrusive. The <br />only problem is when a operation goes beyond retail and affects the <br />City. Councilwoman Armstrong favored a CUP and asked Mr. Gorman what <br />he had to fear from using a CUP. <br />City Attorney Knaak explained his concerns that were stated in his <br />previous letter are still there, but if this is what the City Council <br />wants to do, this is way to do it by a General Busining zoning <br />amendment. Knaak added the wording "and catering incidental to a <br />restaurant" in the General Business zoning amendment. <br />Councilmember Johnson wanted to table action because he felt the <br />council would be acting too hastily and asked to see the ordinance at <br />the next meeting. <br />M/S/ Graves/Moe - to amend Section 301.070 D.7 of the Lake Elmo <br />Municipal Code to include (1)(t.) Restaurants, restaurants with <br />supporting and incidental retail sales bakery operation, and catering <br />incidental to a restaurant. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to table the motion for a General Business <br />ordinance amendment for further discussion until the next meeting. <br />(Motion carried 4-1<Moe>). <br />Mayor Christ explained that he voted in favor of tabling, even though <br />he supported the amendment, because he sensed that a vote on the <br />amendment would not have passed. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Permit for Work in Protected Waters <br />(Eagle Point Lake) --Valley Branch Watershed District <br />The —wator-shed— isriet wants te-pepaee—a 2-4" eulvert at the —ell <br />earthern dam on Eagle Point Lake with a 73" concrete pipe arch <br />culvert. Washington County wants to maintain the trail crossing at <br />
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