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09-01-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 87-48 granting final plat <br />approval to Lake Jane Highlands; contingent upon the applicant <br />conforming to the recommendations of the City Engineer, which may <br />include, but not be limited to applicant entering into a developer's <br />agreement with the City, park dedication fee in the amount of $250 per <br />lot. (Motion carried 4-1<Johnson: has a problem with the street <br />situation and is open for suggestions as to what can be done>). <br />The City Administrator and City Attorney will proceed with changes of <br />the ordinance for word change from "approved" to "reviewed" for Final <br />Plats by the Planning Commission. <br />F. Preliminary Plat --Packard Park 2nd Addition <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to take off the table the Preliminary Plat --Packard <br />Park 2nd Addition. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />This Preliminary Plat was discussed at the August 8, 1987 City Council <br />meeting. The City staff advised the City Council that the proposed <br />subdivision meets all City code requirements. <br />Residents from the Eden Park/Legion Avenue neighborhood were present <br />to comment on their existing high water problem with the pond behind <br />the homes on Legion Avenue. <br />The City Engineer was directed to "make an assessment" of the water <br />problem on Legion Avenue /Eden Park Pond and report back to the City <br />Council. <br />On September 1, 1987 City Engineer Bohrer made a field inspection to <br />determine the elevations of the lowest structures along the west sde <br />of Eden Park Pond. In his report dated September 1, 1987 to the City <br />Council Bohrer has attached a table which shows the results of the <br />investigation. Bohrer believed the biggest threat to Eden Park <br />homeowners will not be from Packard Park run-off, but rather from <br />nearby Downs Lake. That lake has a 100 year flood level of 894 which <br />was calculated by the VBWD. <br />Ann Bucheck, 2301 Legion Avenue N., spoke for the adjoining landowners <br />who believe the preliminary plat for Packard Park should be denied. <br />See Appendix A. <br />Linda Voge, 2257 Legion Avenue, pointed out that she was told by the <br />VBWD that she was prohibited from going on the 509 Plan. <br />The City Engineer will look into VBWD including Downs Lake in their <br />509 Plan. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to approve the preliminary plat for Packard Park <br />2nd addition, subject to the City Engineer's conditions as listed in <br />his letter of 8-7-87. (Motion carried 4-1<Armstrong: the cul-de-sac <br />is not the proper length, the entire property has not been rezoned as <br />yet, and the ponding should be on the proposal before them>). <br />
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