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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to deny the request for the variance for the <br />sideyard setback for the construction of a garage on the property of <br />2855 Lake Elmo Avenue North. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Variance to the Number of <br />Size of Accessory Structures in the R-1 Zoning District. <br />Bernard Meyer, 3303 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Mayor Christ called the public hearing to order at 8:00 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. <br />Mr. Bernard Meyer wishes to construct a 30' x 60' (pole barn) <br />accessory building to house construction equipment for his existing <br />on -site business. In 1965 when he bought this, it was zoned "Light <br />Industrial", but now he has new neighbors who have children that have <br />been playing on the equipment that is parked on the site. <br />City Administrator Overby stated the following in his review: <br />1. The business has operated at this location for many years and <br />should be considered as a "grandfathered" non -conforming situation in <br />th R-1 zoning district. The City Ordinance does not allow expansion <br />of an existing non -conforming use. The question here is whether the <br />construction of an accessory building to house existing construction <br />equipment already stored on the site could be considered an expansion <br />of the non -conforming use. <br />2. The second issue is the size of accessory buildings allowed in <br />the R1 zoning district. The City code allows: "for parcels over <br />twenty thousand square feet in land area, on building with a total <br />area not to exceed one thousand square feet". (Section 301.130C.114). <br />Mr. Meyer's lot is approximately 5.1 acres in size. Thus, he would be <br />allowed a building of up to 1,000 square feet in size. However, there <br />already exists one accessory building (25 x 45 = 1125 sq.ft.). This <br />is why a variance is requested on the size of accessory buildings <br />allowed. <br />3. The third issue concerns the number of accessory buildings <br />allowed in the R1 zoning district. There is already one accessory <br />building on the property, thus a variance is needed to allow the <br />proposed new building. <br />Marjorie Williams, 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue, added a caution that even <br />though Mr. Meyer has been a good neighbor, if you do too much <br />expansion of light industrial uses in a Residential neighborhood those <br />people move out and leave this, the next owner may not be as good a <br />neighbor. Then we are stuck with some non -conforming uses. She would <br />like to see Lake Elmo Avenue maintained as a viable residential <br />neighborhood. <br />Mr. Meyer responded that there would not be an expansion of this <br />business. The old barn will stay, but he still needs this size of <br />building in order to keep all of his equipment inside. <br />