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10-06-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-06-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COOUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />4. Landfill Committee Report <br />Dan Novak informed the Council that the Citizens Advisory Committee <br />has incorporated and is now officially known as Recycle and Preserve <br />Parks, REAPP. The Committee has erected the sign at the entrance to <br />the Regional Park. <br />The Committee has received the legal response from the Metro Council <br />on the Federal HUD monies, the State LCMR monies and the covenants. <br />Copies were given to each City Council member. Novak summarized if <br />Peter Bachman's interpretation of these issues are correct, the only <br />option that is left for opposing this is the EAW/EIS Statement. <br />5. Public Inqujiries <br />A. Request for Stop Sign at 27th St. & Ironwood Avenue <br />A petition was submitted to the City Council by residents of Tablyn <br />Park to authorize the installation of a stop sign on 27th St. North on <br />the northeast corner of the intersection with Ironwood Trail. This is <br />a T-intersection, with 27th Street being the through movement, and <br />Ironwood terminating at 27th Street. <br />The residents felt the stop sign was necessary because the drivers <br />going west on 28th come up the hill and around a curve just before <br />reaching the top of the hill. They accelerate to get up the hill; but <br />when the road levels, they do not let up on the gas pedal. This <br />creates a hazardous situation for these cars coming onto 27th from <br />Ironwood and even more so for those backing out onto 27th from their <br />driveways. <br />Cars are not visible until about 150 feet from the intersection <br />because of the sharp curve and the hill. This does not allow enough <br />time to safely back out of a driveway, nor to stop at the stop sign on <br />Ironwood, turn the corner, and get up enough speed before a car is on <br />your bumper or passing you. <br />Also noted was the many grade school children in the neighborhood, <br />either walking or riding bikes; and traffic coming up the hill and <br />around a curve even at the legal 30 mph presents a danger to the <br />children, and all other pedestrians and bike riders. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that he has viewed the intersection and at <br />the time of his observation, there did not appear to be excessive <br />speed or any impairment in sight distance. Bohrer stated his concern <br />about placing a stop sign on a through street to control speed because <br />gradually people will ignore this sign and it could be a potential for <br />accidents. <br />The City Council took this under consideration, but due to the fact <br />that most of the trips would be local trips they decided to make the <br />following motion. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to approve a 3-way stop sign at the T-intersection <br />and to erect speed limit signs. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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