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LAKE ELMO CITY COOUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />B. Eden Park Area Residents - Drainage Questions <br />The Eden Park residents have submitted a letter to the City Council in <br />which they are asking for a review of several past items related to <br />drainage and ponding in the Eden Park Addition. Allen Dornfeld of the <br />VBWD told the homeowners that this area is in the budget for further <br />study in 1988. The City Council referred the matter to the City staff <br />for a response at the November 3rd City Council meeting. <br />6. Valley Branch Watershed District Pumping Project: <br />Sunfish Lake to City Park Pond. <br />The Valley Branch is requesting City approval to implement a temporary <br />pumping project to lower the elevation of Sunfish Lake 6.23 feet, from <br />902.63 (Aug 31) to 896.3. They plan to do this by using a portable <br />electic pump, powered by a diesel generator, to move water from <br />Sunfish Lake to City Park Pond. The pumping project would allow <br />landowners to reclaim some of the shoreland and cut down and remove <br />dead trees and stumps which are now underwater. The Council indicated <br />it favors the project, but their concern centered around the maximum <br />elevation to which City Park Pond would be raised before it would <br />affect cross-country ski trails. Also, water pipes could cause <br />problems for the grooming machine on the trails. Water and ice levels <br />that rise and fall on or near the trails are another concern. <br />Councilman Johnson called for some kind of compromise that would allow <br />the pumping project but would minimize damage to the ski trails. <br />(Amended 10-'LO-87)' <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the Watershed District's request <br />subject to the provision that the elevation on City Park Pond will not <br />exceed 906.0'. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of an Existing Walkway Easement, <br />Reservation of Various Drainage, Drainage/Walkway Easements; <br />11011 Stillwater Blvd., Edward Gorman <br />Mayor Christ called the public hearing to order at 8:28 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. <br />Ed Gorman has received previous Council approval to relocate a <br />drainage ditch that crosses his property. The drainage ditch has been <br />relocated to run adjacent to an existing bituminous walkway easement. <br />The purpose of this public hearing is to gain the public's input on <br />the vacation of the existing walkway easement and the acceptance of a <br />combined walkway and drainage easement from Mr. Gormnan. No one from <br />the public appeared to speak on this issue. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:31 p.m. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution 87-51 approving the <br />request of Edward Gorman to vacate an existing walkway easement across <br />his property located at and adjacent to the White Hat Restaurant, <br />Amendment to 6. VBWD: The reason to protect the ski trails was becasue of the money <br />invested by the Parks Cmrnission and the City ($1000 ea) and the number of volunteer <br />time to work on and restore the trails. <br />