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LAKE ELMO CITY COOUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />Hugh Madson asked about the status of the reserves and if there was <br />money to build a new water system for the Old Village. Finance <br />Director Marilyn Banister responded that there was a healthy reserve, <br />but there was not enough money to build a new water system. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:52 p.m. <br />There was some discussion on a change in the fee structure to offset <br />administrative costs and engineering fees. Mayor Christ and <br />Councilwoman Armstrong said they would like to see the mill levy fixed <br />at 13.5 or 13.6. Councilman Graves said he was in favor of keeping the <br />mill levy down, but to hold the rate at 13.5)there would have to be <br />spending cuts. Councilman Johnson suggested a mill rate cap of 13.9 <br />and made the following motion: <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-50 approving a budget <br />not to exceed a mill rate of 13.9 mills. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mayor Christ will meet with the City employees to discuss the 1988 Pay <br />Plan. <br />D. Fire Dept. - Hazardous Materials Requirements <br />Fire Chief Fran Pott updated the Council on the new requirements that <br />are being put on the fire department in regard to hazardous materials. <br />Federal law which mandates these things took effect in March, 1987. <br />The three general points were as follows: <br />1. 24 hours training per year required for each volunteer fireman. <br />2. An organizational plan for the Fire Dept. <br />3. Personnel file with medical records for each volunteer fireman. <br />Chief Pott found this record keeping overwhelming and becoming a <br />problem. He asked the Council to consider hiring a temporary worker <br />to do clerical work 1/2 day a week and up to 2 days a week. City <br />Administrator Overby will meet with Chief Pott and Building Official <br />Jim McNamara to discuss possible solutions. <br />E. ISD 834 Community Education Representative <br />Earlier this year the City Council selected Bob Ritzer to serve as <br />Lake Elmo's regular representative to this committee with Nancy Hansen <br />as the alternate representative. Mr. Ritzer has resigned his position <br />and Nancy Hansen will move up to the position of regular <br />representative. If an alternate representative is needed, Nancy <br />Hansen has a parks member that is interested. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to accept Bob Ritzer's resigation and appoint Nancy <br />Hansen as Lake Elmo's representative to the ISD 834 Community <br />