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LAKE ELMO CITY COOUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />11011 Stillwater Blvd., and to dedicate to the City in lieu thereof, <br />new walkway and drainage easements to provide for the relocation of an <br />existing drainage ditch on said property . The specific descriptions <br />of the easements to be vacated and the easements to be dedicated are <br />stated in Exhibit A. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Shoreland Permit to Allow Expansion of Home at <br />8028 Hill Trial N., Patrick E. Dean <br />Pat Dean, 8028 Hill Trail N., was requesting a shoreland permit to add <br />a second story to his existing home. There are no variances involved <br />and the number of bedrooms will not be increased. The existing septic <br />system has been inspected and was found to be functioning properly. <br />The DNR responded verbally to this shoreland permit request stating <br />they had no concerns with Mr. Dean's proposal. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to grant a shoreland permit for the addition of a <br />second story to the existing home for Patrick Dean at 8028 Hill Trail <br />North. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Shoreland Permit for construction of a garage at <br />2641 Lake Elmo Avenue for Earl Goerss <br />Earl Goerss proposed to add on a garage to the existing house. The <br />parcel on which this house is located consists of 40 acres and is in <br />the Rural Residential zoning district. There are several accessory <br />structures already on the property, but these structures were there <br />long before Lake Elmo adopted its code. The proposed garage will be <br />attached to the existing house so they will not be incressing any <br />non -conformity that may exist by granting this shoreland permit. No <br />variances are needed nor does the addition of the garage affect the <br />septic system. The DNR had no problem with this application. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to grant a shoreland permit to Earl Goerss, <br />2641 Lake Elmo Avenue, for the construction of a 26 x 40 garage which <br />will be attached to the existing house. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 1988 City Budget <br />B. Discussion with City Staff on 1988 Pay Plan <br />C. Adoption of 1988 CIty Budget <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:39 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Bill Woodworth asked what impact would there be on the 1989 Budget if <br />Section 32 and 33 would develop commercially. Mayor Christ responded <br />that it was too early to speculate on the impact. <br />Todd Williams asked the Council if they would allocate funds for <br />expenses ineurred in f±yhtiny the proposed hake Etmo Reytonal Park <br />Reserve landfill. Councilman Moe responded that there was no money <br />allocated at this time except what may be available in reserve funds. <br />