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r <br />LA°{ ELMO CITYY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 17, 1987 <br />Mayor Christ called the City Council meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in <br />the City Council chambers. Present: Christ, Johnson, Armstrong, <br />Graves, Moe (arrived 7:40 p.m.) City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney <br />Knaak and City Administrator Overby. <br />1. Agenda <br />Add: 8C. Advertisement for City Administrator, 8D. City Christmas <br />Party, 8E. Second City Council meeting in December, 8F. Section 32-33. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve the November 17, 1987 City Council <br />meeting as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes: November 3, 1987 <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the November 3, 1987 City Council <br />meeting minutes as amended. (See Page 3: Public Inquiries, Page 6: C. <br />Request for Shoreland Permit). (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve the November 17, 1987 Claims <br />#89466 thru #89527 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. Landfill Update <br />Todd Williams reported that REAPP is embarking on a telephone campaign <br />which is a follow-up on the flyer they have distributed. <br />Todd also reported that no word has been received from Attorney <br />Dayton. City Administrator Overby explained that in his <br />correspondence to Mr. Dayton a timeline was not set for his legal <br />analysis and report to the City Council. <br />City Administrator Overby asked Todd to report on the 11-17-87 County <br />Board Meeting where Todd spoke to the Board and showed them they had <br />over 2300 signatures from Washington County. REAPP has requested that <br />the County allocate 5 percent of the EIS funds to REAPP and the Lake <br />Elmo City Council so that an independent consultant can be hired to do <br />an objective review of the EIS information. The County Board will act <br />on this request at its meeting on 11-24-87. The County Board will <br />hold a workshop on the draft EAW on 12-1-87 and decide on 12-15-87 <br />whether to accept the draft EAW and authorize the public hearing <br />notice in the EQB Monitor. <br />Todd and Dan have meet with the Valley Branch Watershed District which <br />has directed their engineer Nels Nelson to present written comments to <br />the County. <br />