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11-17-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-17-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />5. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Variance to R1 sideyard setback <br />requirement. Applicant: Robert Tompkins, <br />3291 Lampert Ave. N. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Mr. Robert Tompkins would like to build an addition onto the south <br />side of his garage at 3291 Lampert Avenue North. The footings hau <br />been installed prior to Mr. Tompkin's realizing that a permit was <br />necessary. Mr. Tompkins is requesting a variance allowing the <br />addition to be within 1.88 feet of the side property line where a <br />10-foot sideyard setback is required. The applicant submitted a <br />survey of the property to show the setbacks. <br />A letter was submitted by Leonard and Sharon Johnson, neighbors on the <br />southside, stating that the use and enjoyment of their property would <br />not be affected by the garage expansion. Therefore, they would offer <br />this letter to support the variance request. <br />Mr. Tompkins' friend and contractor, Tim Reed, stated they cannot <br />expand the garage to the rear (east) because of the new septic system. <br />The only way he can go is south. There is access on the south side <br />for pumping the system. They will also be keeping the garage the way <br />it is with no overhang. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />The City Council could not determine if there was a hardship because <br />of the alleged existence of a previously existing carport that was in <br />approximately the same location as the proposed garage addition. The <br />question raised was the concern of the distance from the sidewall of <br />the existing garage to the newly surveyed property line. <br />City Administrator Overby pointed out that Mr. Tompkin's action to <br />remove an existing carport -style roof overhang and an existing ab,halt <br />parking area eliminated a non -conforming situation. Also, if the <br />garage wall is 10 feet or farther from the sideyard property line, <br />then the current situation would conform to City ordinances. The <br />requested variance would change a conforming situation to a <br />non -conforming situation. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to instruct the staff to determine the distance <br />from the property line to the previously existing blacktop, to the <br />previously existing carport and to the existing garage as it exists <br />today. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Continuation of request for variance to lot size, lot width, <br />and setback from Normal High Water Mark: <br />Applicant.q- Joseph and Donna Hinrichs, 8126 Hill Trail N. <br />This request was discussed in a public hearing on 11-2-87. The City <br />Council tabled action until this meeting so that city staff could <br />
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