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ATTACHMENT A <br />7��� T.OLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON <br />AND ASSOCIATES. INCORPORATED <br />ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2500 AMEHICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING <br />SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 -1893 <br />612/292-4400 <br />FAX 612/292-0083 <br />November 3, 1987 <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />Re: Eden Park Drainage Concerns <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />Commission No. 7113-007 <br />Dear Mayor and Council: <br />At the October 6, 1987, Council meeting, a number of residents within the <br />Eden Park Subdivision submitted a letter to the Council expressing concerns <br />for drainage. The letter was referred to the City Engineer and City <br />Attorney for comment. The following is our review of the engineering <br />questions contained in that letter. <br />QuestlgnAo. 1 was a two-part question regarding information shown on the <br />preliminary plat. Firstly, the plat stated that the "drainage easement <br />will attempt to delineate elevation 891 around the pond". This was a <br />correction procedure since 891 was the accepted flood elevation by the VBWD <br />and City Engineer at that time. Filling was not necessary around the pond <br />to achieve this elevation. <br />Secondly, the preliminary plat showed areas around the pond where fill was <br />to be added. The question was raised as to whether this work was ever <br />done. From our field observations at the Voge's lot, it cannot be <br />determined if fill was added. The preliminary plat showed that fill would <br />be added below elevation 885. The present pond level is about 886. <br />Whether the fill was or was not placed does not change the situation and <br />would not move the water farther away from the Voge's home. There was no <br />Developer's Agreement on this subdivision. <br />que5tlQn_Ng,.-2 asked about a City policy on flooded streets. The City has <br />no "policy" on flooded streets; however, flooded streets are not new to the <br />City. 20th Street, 50th Street, Hill Trail and the end of 32nd have been <br />under water at least once in recent history. In each case the City hauled <br />in fill as necessary with no local assessment. <br />The possibility of flooded streets brings up the more serious issue of <br />access. Keep in mind that when Eden Park was platted, 891 was the official <br />flood elevation. Under these conditions, the low spot in Legion Avenue <br />would be covered with two feet of water and the low spot on Legion Lane <br />would be covered with three Inches of wa er. Although not desirable, <br />Legion Lane would still be traversable and access would be maintained. <br />