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Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />November 3, 1987 <br />Page 2 <br />In 1978, the VBWD did additional studies on the Downs Lake's Watershed and <br />revised the flood elevation to 894. Downs Lake begins to run out at 891.5 <br />but because inflow would exceed outflow, the lake could temporarily rise to <br />894. This would mean that both Legion Avenue and Legion Lane would be <br />impassable for a period of time. This would cut off access to 26 lots in <br />Eden Park and to the lots in Packard Park Additions. This situation would <br />only occur if Downs Lake overflowed into Eden Park Pond. This situation <br />could be prevented with some diking between Lots 9 and 10, Block 2. <br />Que5±jQn_NQ._3 asked about a City policy on flooded septic systems. The <br />City has no "policy" of assistance for flooded septic systems. The City <br />has helped out in the past with coordination of satellite toilets but has <br />not participated financially in replacing systems. <br />It is interesting to note that in our investigation we did find that the <br />building inspector did require the minimum building elevation be <br />established in the field by a surveyor on at least one lot (Lot 6, Block <br />3). We also found that a site plan was submitted for the Voge lot <br />(attached) which showed the land around the house to be elevation 900. The <br />elevation Is actually 891.6 at the walkout level. <br />QA&_-,ti.Qn_N4__A asked about the possible blockage of Downs Lake outlet due <br />to Tartan Park Golf Course construction. We have not been able to confirm <br />whether any Tartan Park construction changed the outlet elevation of Downs <br />Lake. This embankment, if it exists, does not contribute to the present <br />problems in Eden Park. It may be significant only when Downs Lake begins <br />to overflow, which has not happened since 1965. <br />Qne_,,_tIQ_iLNQz_5 asks the City to perform a rough cost estimate to provide an <br />improved outlet to Downs Lake, Eden Park Pond and Durand's Pond. Such a <br />cost estimate is outside the scope of this letter -type report and would <br />best be included as part of the City's Surface Water Management Plan which <br />the City must prepare now that the VBWD Overall Plan is done <br />"e5t1Qn_NQt_6_ asks the City to impose a development moratorium around the <br />Eden Park area until these drainage issues are resolved. Since this is not <br />an engineering question, we cannot respond to it. <br />Sincerely yours, <br />,& A-zuz� <br />Larry D. Bohrer, P.E. <br />LDB:adh <br />