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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />signs that show the water was at least 4 feet higher. She also <br />pointed out that Downs Lake did overflow in 1965 because there was a <br />"chinook" where the water mounted up so fast. Mary referred to some <br />sort of a berm that was erected by the 3M Club engineering department <br />that could be opened and closed to save pasture land. <br />An Eden Park resident asked what needs to be done to be included in <br />the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Bohrer responded that the <br />City is required by the State Surface Water Management Act to develop <br />a local plan after the watershed district has finished their plan. <br />The City has asked the watershed district to look at the situation and <br />they do intend to do this, but he does not know how long this will <br />take. Part of this watershed for Downs Lake is outside of Lake Elmo <br />so there is more than local significance here. <br />Ann Bucheck stated that her home and septic systems along with <br />Sandmann's were put in at City elevations but would have "nuisance <br />water" if there was flooding. <br />Mary Leslie felt the new Cty Rd. 15 would increase the waterflow on <br />Downs Lake. She also questioned if they should have to pay for the <br />509 assessments if they are not in the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District and they do not benefit by any of their water leaving their <br />area? <br />City Attorney Knaak explained that the City waived its review on <br />elevations when it did not address the water issues. Knaak was unable <br />to find any authority for the apparent position on the part of the <br />Eden Park homeowners that the City has acted as some sort of guarantor <br />for any damages that may result from their failure to conform to City <br />ordinances for the submitted plats. There are no written assurances on <br />record with the City containing any such guarantees. <br />Councilman Graves and Johnson felt the City should contact VBWD on <br />what needs to be done or have a joint meeting with the City and VBWD. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Administrator to contact the <br />VBWD to find out what needs to be done to get a drainage project <br />underway not only for the Eden Park area but other concerned areas <br />(such as: Downs Pond, Durands Pond, Legion Pond, 32nd St. Pond) of the <br />City and report back with an update at the December 1st City Council <br />meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Final Plat: Packard Park 2nd Addition <br />The City Council gave preliminary plat approval for this subdivision <br />on August 18, 1987. <br />City Engineer Bohrer has reviewed the final plat and recommends <br />approval of the plat, contingent upon provision of the two permanent <br />easements for conveyance of stormwater over the unplatted portion of <br />Peltier's property, upon receiving a letter of credit for site <br />improvements and a Developer's Agreement acceptable to the City, and <br />payment of park dedication fees and pass thru costs. <br />