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11-03-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-03-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council not approve <br />the final plat until the water problems are discussed or residents and <br />developer have met with the City and the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District and an agreement has been reached; also that the 24th Street <br />cul-de-sac is longer than the 800 foot maximum that is allowed by City <br />Code and that the Developer has stated his intention to not run the <br />road thru the proposed 3rd Addition with the current Rural Residential <br />zoning and that there is no request for rezoning to R-1 at this time <br />for the proposed 3rd Addition. <br />M/S/ Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 87- approving the Final Plat <br />for Packard Park 2nd Addition, contingent upon meeting the conditions <br />specified in the City Engineer's letter of 10-22-87, providing a <br />letter of credit and an acceptable Developer's Agreement, and payment <br />of park dedication fees and pass thru costs. <br />Jean Durand questioned the legality of the proposed pipe and asked <br />what was the elevation of the outlet pipe to the pond. Another <br />question was asked if it would be possible to turn the pipe instead of <br />the water running onto Durand's proerty. <br />Because of ponding concerns from the public that need to be addressed <br />and more information that will be received from the VBWD meeting and <br />the City Engineer's review of the engineering plans and specification, <br />it was decided to table discussion until the December 1st meeting. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to table action on Packard Park Final Plat <br />until the December 1st meeting to allow time for the City Engineer to <br />review construction plans for the holding pond and information from <br />the VBWD meeting. (Motion carried 4-1<Moe>). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Shoreland Permit with Variances, <br />8126 Hill Trail N. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:50 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Joseph and Donna Hinrichs wish to purchase Lots 519 thru 523, and lots <br />616 thru 620 in Lane's DeMontreville Country Club Addition. The <br />property is located at 8126 Hill Trail N. The applicants want to <br />build a new house on the property. The property is located next to <br />Lake DeMontreville; therefore the Shoreland District regulations <br />apply. <br />Several variances are necessary in order to allow a building permit <br />for a new home and septic system: lot size variance, lot width <br />variance, structure setback from normal high water mark variance, and <br />setback for structure from public road variance and septic drainfield <br />sites. <br />The DNR hydrologist commented to the City Staff on 10-29-87 that the <br />DNR is opposed to giving the variance for the structure setback from <br />the high water mark (as proposed in Plan B). The DNR suggests that <br />the proposed house remodeling -expansion plan be redrawn so that no <br />variances are necessary. The DNR wants to see the septic/soils <br />
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