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12-01-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />Tri-Lakes Association on Wednesday night with a similar request. <br />} <br />KSTP TV's Good Company aired the Lake Elmo landfill story. <br />Mayor Christ questioned if an engineering study was extremely <br />important because the very last thing he wants to see is a dump go <br />into the Park even if this means hiring consultants. Christ feels we <br />should be more proactive than reactive at this point. If it means <br />engineering studies, he would support it. Christ stated "since we have <br />a half million dollars in our Reserve Fund in the City Budget we <br />should not be so tight that we would not spend some of that reserve to <br />fight this landfill and be successful in keeping it out. He would not <br />be able to forgive himself for it." Attorney Knaak responded that an <br />engineering firm would be nice to have if it were to come to <br />litigation. <br />City Administrator Overby raised the question as to what point during <br />the study will the County release the consultants data because, this <br />would make a big difference on the timing and the cost of the City's <br />consulting engineer. We would have to get some indication from the <br />County before the City decides to hire someone. <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />Unfinished Restoration/Slope Work on a Fill Permit Project; <br />Non -conforming Business in RR <br />This past year Joe Gould requested and received a fill permit from the <br />City. The filling had been completed, however, a proper 4:1 slope has <br />not been achieved as yet. A follow-up letter had been sent on <br />November 25, 1987 to Mr. Gould concerning the necessary 4:1 slope and <br />the alleged hauling of material from the property. The letter <br />requests that he corrects the above terms within 30 days. <br />Building Official Jim McNamara stated that the business had been in <br />existence for many years and continues to operate under our <br />Grandfather clause. A conditional use permit is not required for his <br />operation because of this "Grandfather" clause. Also, a conditional <br />use permit for this type of operation would not be permitted in our RR <br />zoning district. Mayor Christ stated that the Building Official has <br />reviewed this and he has handled the situation properly. Although the <br />situation has not been corrected at this date, the propertyowner is <br />working on getting those corrected and there would be no code <br />violations. Christ would prefer not bringing this up at a Council <br />meeting especially when it involves an allegation. When the staff <br />cannot resolve it, then it should be brought in front of the Council. <br />Eileen Bergman asked what the definition of the Grandfather Clause <br />was. She explained that this was brought to the attention of the City <br />Administrator in July and nothing has been done. The Bergmans also <br />have a business in this area and they must maintain 40 acres of land <br />- in order to have this business. They had the business prior to 1979 <br />so why should ey not be grandtathered in. Why do they have to have <br />a Conditional Use Permit? <br />
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