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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />Tompkins is asking for a variance to the sideyard setback of 10 feet <br />in order to allow him to construct an addition to the side of his <br />existing attached garage. The size of the addition would be <br />approximately 9' x 22'. <br />The question raised in the 11-17-87 discussion concerned the distance <br />from the sidewall of the existing garage to the newly surveyed <br />propertyline. City Administrator Overby pointed out tht Mr. Tompkins' <br />action to remove an existing carport -style roof overhang and an <br />existing asphalt parking area eliminated a non -conforming situation. <br />Also, if the garage wall is 10 feet or farther from the sideyard <br />property line, then the current situation would conform to City <br />ordinance. <br />Building Official Jim McNamara had field checked the site and <br />determined that the garage wall is situated parallel to the property <br />line and is approximately 13 feet 3 inches from the side property <br />line. This means that the existing garage conforms to City <br />ordinances. <br />Mr. Tompkins was not present for the meeting, but his contractor <br />stated Tompkins' hardship was there was no other logical place for a <br />garage. <br />Councilman Johnson asked why could not the addition be put directly <br />behind the existing garage. Previously it was stated that this would <br />interfere with the septic system, but according to the map Johnson did <br />not see the interference. Johnson felt this was an option, but the <br />contractor did not feel this was very practical. <br />The Council could not find a hardship that would justify granting <br />these variances. Armstrong had an additional concern on access to the <br />septic system for pumping which was installed under the 201 Program. <br />Also, the neighbor already has a fence lined up with the backyards <br />toward the front and they could extend the fence on the property line <br />which would give 1.8 feet at one point which does not give enough line <br />for a man with a hose to pump the septic. The future owners could be <br />very unhappy with the garage being there. <br />Armstrong based her denial on Section 301.060 C.1.b. of the Lake Elmo <br />City Code. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to deny a request for a variance to the R-1 <br />sideyard setback for Robert Tompkins at 3291 Lampert Avenue N., as no <br />hardship was demonstrated and based on Section 301.060 C.l.b. of our <br />City Code. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Eden Park Water Problems: Valley Branch Watershed <br />District Response <br />The City Council had requested that the City Administrator contact the <br />VBWD to find out what the watershed district will do in 1988 to <br />_r-es;elve the drainage and petential high water preblems en Eden Park <br />Pond. City Administrator Overby and several Eden Park area residents <br />attended the 11-12-87 VBWD meeting. <br />