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12-01-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />located in the lowest area of Peltier's property. There appears to be <br />a natural existing drainage swale that runs down the hill. The <br />proposed pond would be constructed to trap any additional runoff that <br />would be generated by this development and only allow to pass on in <br />the same flow path as before. Topography south of the subdivison is <br />lower in elevation than the Peltier property. <br />A concern expressed by the Durands was that this pond would overflow <br />onto their property directly and they had asked if it could possibly <br />be redirected to the west or some other direction. Bohrer explained <br />that the pond would flow onto the Adkins property and not directly <br />onto the Durand property. <br />The drainage plan, pond and overflow structure have been approved by <br />VBWD. The plans and specifications provide for the completion of all <br />streets within the 2nd Addition along with the northerly 250 feet of <br />Legion Avenue. In discussions about the Eden Park drainage problem, <br />the VBWD feels that this area could reach a high flood level to the <br />same extent that Eden Park Pond and Downs Lake would. This elevation <br />is 894. <br />In conclusion, Bohrer found the pond and drainage facilites meet the <br />engineering standards of the City and the VBWD. The drainageway and <br />pond will be protected by a permanent drainage easement, and the plans <br />and specifications are acceptable. Therefore, Bohrer recommended <br />final approval of the plat. <br />City Attorney Knaak referred to 401.330 which provides provisions for <br />drainage and in this particular case a provision for an easement is <br />provided for. Knaak also referred to Section 401.350 where an <br />adequate drainage system is provided, which it has been in this case <br />according to VBWD and the City Comprehensive drainage plan. <br />Mayor Christ felt he did not have enough assurances that the street <br />will continue to Lake Elmo Avenue and therefore it should be designed <br />to meet Code. Christ added that Eden Park Pond people have come in and <br />told the Council that they have a water problem. <br />Bruce Folz stated that this pond is 10 feet below the flood level <br />today and there is no serious water problem in this area. Bohrer <br />added that the elevation of the proposed pond is 898. In relation to <br />the predicted flood level this is 4 feet higher. Bohrer did not <br />anticipate any ground water problems at all. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to remove from the table the motion for <br />Final Plat approval for Packard Park until the December 1st meeting to <br />allow time for the City Engineer to review construction plans for the <br />holding pond and information from the VBWD meeting. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />Councilman Johnson asked for the City Attorne_y's comment on the <br />appropriate ac H nn_ City Attorney Knaak commented that a11 the <br />requirements that need to be met under the City Code have been met. <br />Other concerns have been raised that are beyond the scope of the <br />review required by the City code. The Engineer has made his <br />
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