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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />The Board of Managers indicated that they have allocated funds in <br />their 1988 budget to pay for a preliminary engineering study of Downs <br />Lake, Eden Park Pond and Durand Pond sub -watershed areas. The <br />Managers sent the City a letter dated 11-24-87 confirming the study <br />will be about late April or early May, 1988. This study would <br />determine which way waters should leave this area as well as determine <br />if the costs should be borne on a local level or a District level or <br />some of each. <br />C. Final Plat: Packard Park 2nd Addition <br />This final plat was discussed at the Council meeting of 11-3-87. The <br />City Council decided to table action for 30 days in order to obtain <br />input from the Valley Branch Watershed District concerning the <br />drainage and potential high water problems around Eden Park Pond and <br />Durand Pond. Also, the City Engineer was requested to make a complete <br />review of the engineering plans and specifications. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained the length of road from Legion Avenue <br />to the end of the cul-de-sac would be approximately 1100 feet long and <br />exceeds the 800 foot maximum that the code provides for. Bohrer <br />referred to the Code, Section 401.380 B. Local Streets and Dead -End <br />Streets. Local streets should be so planned as to discourage their <br />use by non -local traffic. Dead-end streets are prohibited, but <br />cul-de-sacs shall be permitted where topography or the physical <br />conditions justify their use. Cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than <br />eight hundred (800) feet including a terminal turn -around which shall <br />be provided at the closed end, with a right-of-way radius of not less <br />than sixty (60) feet. <br />Another section referred to was C. Street Plans for Future <br />Subdivisions. Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of <br />the tract owned or intended for development by the subdivider, a <br />tentative plan for proposed future street system for the unsubdivided <br />portion shall be prepared and submitted by the subdivider. Mr. Peltier <br />has prepared and shown the future street plan. Bohrer felt the <br />Council would be justified in allowing this length of street under <br />this paragraph. <br />Bohrer reported on the drainage easement and ponding easement that are <br />on the applicant's property, but not within the Second Addition. The <br />Council has seen a concept plan for a 3rd Addition for Mr. Peltier's <br />property between Packard Park 2nd and Lake Elmo Avenue. (No action <br />was taken by the Council on the Concept plan for the 3rd Addition.) <br />It is proposed that the drainage easement and ponding easement be <br />granted to the City in the form of a Quit Claim Deed so that the <br />drainage and ponding requirements are satisfied for the 2nd Addition <br />and if the 3rd Addition never comes to be, the easement will assure <br />the City that these drainage concerns will always be addressed. <br />Another concern was the location of the pond itself. Bohrer had made <br />ft field inspection un November 10t1i and feels this location is the <br />best location for the pond, given the topography of the land and <br />including all of the other considerations. The pond is designed to be <br />