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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />4. Site G Landfill <br />I Todd Williams - E.A.W. Public Scoping Meeting <br />Dan Novak reported that the Stillwater Council unanimously voted to <br />pass a resolution to the Washington County Board of Commissioners <br />opposing the landfill in the park. This brings the total to 7 or 8 <br />resolutions from 30 townships and cities within the County. <br />One of the RE.A.P.P members, Gary Carlson, has applied for a County <br />Waste Management Committee position. If he is appointed, this will <br />give them some influence in the County Waste Management <br />decision -making process. <br />In the first meeting of the new year, RE.A.P.P. made some New Year <br />Resolutions in terms of objectives and priorities. Dan passed out to <br />the council RE.A.P.P.'s objectives and priorities for 1988. In <br />summary, aside from the EAW/EIS which is top priority, the #1 priority <br />will be fundraising. They are also thinking seriously about another <br />legislative effort this year. This time they will handle it <br />differently and will be meeting with Gary Laidig and Harriet McPherson <br />next week or the following week to discuss this. <br />A petition encouraging the City to use all resources available to <br />oppose the landfill including spending a percentage of the budget <br />surplus has been circulating in the City. Just over 37 percent of all <br />the residences are represented by his petition and will be presented <br />to the Council at a later date. <br />The Tri-Lakes Board unanimously passed a comparable resolution <br />opposing the landfill earlier this month. Copies were given to the <br />City Council. The Tri-Lakes Association has donated $200 to RE.A.P.P. <br />for their fight in opposition of the Site G landill. <br />Funds raised to date as a result of the recent phone campaign are <br />$2,306. They have a checkbook balance currently of $2,680. <br />ban informed the Council of the Public Scoping meeting set for Monday, <br />January 25th at the Washington County Government Center Boardroom. <br />Dan felt this meeting was extremely critical and felt it was important <br />that the City, besides REAPP, is represented at this meeting. Dan <br />suggested that the Council authorize City Engineer Larry Bohrer and <br />City Attorney Fritz Knaak to be present at the public hearing. He <br />felt it would be appropriate for the CouncilmembXs to be there and <br />added that Leslie Davis from Earth Protectors, members of the Sierra <br />Club and possibly the Audubon Society will be there in opposition of <br />the Site G landfill. Invitations have been extended to Gary Laidig <br />and Harriet McPherson. <br />Todd Williams explained that this meeting is to get input as to issues <br />to be covered uder the Environmental Impact Statement. The Council <br />felt that City Engineer Bohrer was well -qualified to speak on <br />technical issues and should present this data on behalf of the City. <br />Mayor Christ suggested Attorney Dayton attend this meeting. Novak <br />felt it would be very appropriate for City Attorney Knaak or Attorney <br />Chuck Dayton to speak on the legal issues that should be resolved <br />