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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1908 PAGE 3 <br />before we invest a half a million dollars in this study. Knaak <br />responded that he would be happy to do it, but Chuck Dayton has done <br />some preliminary legal work and felt it would make sense to have him <br />present this. Knaak felt this was an important part in the process <br />and technical issues could be raised. Knaak was willing to approach <br />Attorney Dayton and would be perfectly willing to let this be Dayton's <br />show. <br />Mayor Christ felt we had better take all the expertise we can get and <br />that he was prepared to do whatever we have to do to stop this thing. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct City Attorney Knaak to interact with <br />Attorney Chuck Dayton to attend the Public Scoping Meeting set for <br />January 25th at a fee of up to $600. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct City Engineer Bohrer to review the EAW in <br />detail and prepare his comments accordingly. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The Council authorized Todd Williams and Dan Novak to interact with <br />the City Engineer and City Attorney for issue coordination in order to <br />avoid redundancy. <br />5. Selection Process for New City Administrator <br />The City Office has received 73 applications for the City <br />Administrator position. Mayor Christ has suggested that each <br />councilmember select five applications that they feel would qualify <br />for the position. The Council should then be able to reach a <br />consensus as to which candidates should be interviewed. <br />Councilman Moe stated that he has yet to figure out why we even need a <br />City Administrator and asked if it was written in stone that we have <br />to have one. Moe felt that every time we don't have one, everything <br />still moves. He asked what major things is a City Administrator going <br />to do in a city of 6,000. Moe suggested that they might look at <br />another clerk typist to help with the workload. <br />Graves felt that someone was needed who would have the responsibility <br />to act in this function of an office manager and referred to the <br />correspondence that Bob Overby had prepared directed towards other <br />agencies and responsibilities. <br />Mayor Christ stated that what Lake Elmo needed is a unified <br />administrative front instead of several employees working without much <br />coordinating. Strong issues like the Site G landfill need a strong <br />city administrator to handle them. Christ added that maybe 5 or 6 <br />years ago a strong administrator could have nipped it in the bud <br />before it got to the point of the county approving it. <br />Councilman Johnson agreed with Moe, but felt with a strong <br />administrator or good manager some of the rougher spots the city <br />experienced in the last year may have been avoided if he was on top of <br />things. Johnson added "If a city manager can keep us out of one <br />lawsuit, it might pay his salary for several years." Moe responded <br />that he didn't buy his particular argument. He doesn't see any city <br />