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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />administrator keeping them out of a lawsuit --they are the only ones <br />that can do that. <br />Moe again stressed that the office staff is short of help. He doesn't <br />see a city administrator being the type of help that is needed. Mayor <br />Christ agreed that maybe the Council should authorize some needed part <br />time clerical help. <br />City Attorney Knaak thought it would be helpful if he looked into the <br />state statutes and legal ramifications of not having a city <br />administrator which the Council agreed to. The Council decided to <br />continue reviewing the applications and continue discussion on what <br />the Council wants in a City Administrator as far as duties and <br />responsibilities. <br />6. Planning Commission Appointments <br />There is one vacancy on the Planning Commission for the Second <br />Alternate position. Joseph Kieffer had withdrawn his application. <br />Two applications have been received: <br />Linda Stone Applied 11-9-87 <br />2390 Legion Lane N. <br />Dean Johnston Applied 1-13-88 <br />8200 Hill Trail <br />Councilman Graves felt that both applicants were qualified candidates. <br />Graves favored the appointment of Dean Johnston based on the fact that <br />he served previously on the Planning Commission and had contributed <br />greatly to the Planning Commission and took his position responsible. <br />Mayor Christ agreed with Dean's statements in his application about <br />preserving the fine quality of life in Lake Elmo and work towards <br />that. <br />Councilman Johnson agreed with the appointments, but warned the <br />Council against putting a diproportionate number of people from the <br />northern end of the city of the commission. Graves expanded this to <br />include other people from the community such as business owners, <br />farmers, from the Section 32-33 area, and the northeast part of the <br />community. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to appoint Dean Johnston, 8200 Hill Trail, as <br />Second Alternate of the Lake Elmo Planning Commission, but at the same <br />time recognizing the fine credentials and earnest interest on the part <br />of Linda Stone. DeaRt�, A-1 rep].aoe(AL-^-^KMde as 2nd Alternate (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Rob Enes will move up to ull voting member replacing Steve Raleigh. <br />7. Parks Commission Appointments <br />The City received one application for the open seat on the Parks <br />Commission: <br />Gary A. Lee Applied 12-24-87 <br />8251 Deer Pond Ct. N. <br />