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03-15-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />Dan informed the Council that another bill for $880.69 is forthcoming. <br />In this breakdown it showed that Dayton passed on a subcontracted <br />charge he incurred for Lexis Research for $680.94. Councilwoman <br />Armstrong felt the City was committed to Mr. Dayton for $1600 and we <br />have already paid him $881 so the City should pay him only the <br />difference. Rose felt Mr. Dayton was qualilfied and good at what he <br />does, but felt this was an exorbitant fee and she had no intentions of <br />authorizing payment of this bill. She passed on a comment that was <br />made to her regarding Dayton "if he was such an expert why did we have <br />to pay so much for research"? <br />In Dayton's defense, Dan made the Council aware that the Preliminary <br />Reserach Analysis report was an outstanding report and it defined all <br />options that were exercised. Dayton had donated twelve hours without <br />charge and excellent reviews have been received on Dayton's <br />presentation. REAPP was prepared to give the council a $1000 check. <br />Councilman Graves felt the City Attorney should review the <br />correspondence that has taken place and determine if we are liable for <br />this bill based on any promises, verbal or written, and make a <br />recommendation on how they should proceed. Councilman Johnson felt it <br />was appropriate for the City Attorney do the corresponding because he <br />was doing some of the preliminary negotiation for the City with Chuck <br />Dayton. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to pay Attorney Chuck Dayton the $1600 that was <br />committed, minus the $881.23,4"Tnm to attach the $1000 check from REAPP <br />and direct the City Attorney to look at any correspondence, verbal or <br />written, between the City or REAPP into limits that were placed on the <br />payment of funds for the cost of this project to the City and make a <br />recommendation on how the City should proceed. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Larkin Dancers will be giving a benefit concert on April 8th at <br />the Tartan Park school. <br />The Washington County Board is questionning "the wisdom of proceeding <br />with the process" which is based on Steve Keefe stating that we have <br />enough landfill capacity through the year 2010. Sally Evert wrote a <br />letter extending an invitation to him to appear at the Board Meeting <br />at 9:00 a.m. on March 22nd. <br />City Attorney's Report <br />According to Merriam's office, it was reported that the bill has <br />passed the Senate full -committee and waiting for a hearing in Finance. <br />On the House side an amendment to dismiss all the sites has not taken <br />place yet. However, it is actively being worked on by Merriam and <br />Nelson. <br />5. 201 Project - City Engineer <br />a. Part D Change Orders 07 and #8 <br />Change Order #7 <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported that Change Order No. 7 is <br />
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