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i <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />necessary to construct one additional. monitoring well at the Oakland <br />School. <br />The approved plans and specifications called for three groundwater <br />monitoring wells at the Oakland School. The wells were to yield a <br />minimum of 2 gallons per minute of sampleable water. The top of the <br />well screens were to terminate at the top of the groundwater table. <br />Monitoring Wells No. 2 and 3 were successfully completed. Monitoring <br />Well No. 1 encountered tight clay at the groundwater table and would <br />not yield water at a sufficient rate to sample. Since Well No. 1 is <br />not sampleable, a new Well No. 4 must be constructed. A unit price <br />for Groundwater Monitoring Well is included in the original bid <br />proposal. <br />Construct groundwater monitoring well, 1 EA @$1,540.00 = $1,540.00 <br />Change Order #8 <br />Bohrer reported that Change Order No. 8 is necessary to add the Twin <br />Point Tavern back into the program. <br />The Twin Point Tavern was identified as having a need for improvement <br />in the Facilities Plan. Because most of the lot was parking lot, the <br />Tavern owner indicated that he would buy a portion of the adjacent <br />vacant lot for his drainfield. Construction plans were prepared <br />accordingly and were shown as Old Village Remote Site F on sheet 6 of <br />the Part D plan set. Shortly before bidding, the land purchase <br />negotiation fell through and the Tavern asked to be taken out of the <br />bidding package. <br />The Tavern owner has now reconsidered the use of his parking lot for <br />drainfield purposes. He had his own soil tests performed and a <br />suitable location was found. The purpose of this change order is to <br />construct a new septic system in a revised location. Unit prices for <br />each work item have been included in the original bid proposal. <br />Cost Summary: Subtotal Grant Eligible $12,255.50, Subtotal Grant <br />Ineligible $100..00 = Grand Total of This Change Order $12,355.50. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong explained that the Council pointed out to the <br />owner�ast summer)of Twin Point Tavern the benefits. They told him <br />. <br />this �s their last chance, but the Twin Point decided they didn't want <br />to be in it. It seemed to Rose, that we have turned other people down <br />at that point, and she hated to see him come back in after all this <br />has been decided. Bohrer explained that the assessment roll has been <br />recalculated with them in there. Without their participation it would <br />slightly decrease the assessments to other people because the fixed <br />costs are distr:buted over one more party. <br />Bohrer explained that the Twin Point Tavern was .in need in the very <br />begirting. It isn't like somebody decided now that they would come <br />forward and ask to be in the program. They were always in the <br />program. <br />Councilman Johnson asked can other failing systems be added if there <br />