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03-15-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 5 <br />Comments on their findings are made in Larry Bohrer's letter dated <br />March 11, 1988 to the City Council. <br />Bohrer explained that with any mechanical equipment, there is a <br />certain period of troubleshooting and de -bugging and a period of time <br />when the maintenance personnel become familiar with new equipment and <br />methods. If any defects do appear, the Contractor will repair them <br />under the guarantee. If any ground settlement occur, which is not <br />uncommon after the first winter, they will be repaired as soon as <br />ground conditions permit. <br />Mr. Gorman was reminded that if he sees problems on this site it would <br />be better to contact the City Staff, rather than take pictures and <br />watch the site for a week, because the staff could help him in a more <br />timely fashion. Mr. Gorman replied that he would continue to monitor <br />this site and would call the City staff when needed. <br />d. Appendix E <br />Councilman Graves asked for Appendix E be brought up for <br />reconsideration to look into if the City water system was capable of <br />providing proper water flow. If the system is not capable and the <br />City requires businesses to put in a sprinkling system, would the City <br />be liable for not maintaining the water flow. <br />Councilman Johnson suggested if the square footage of the building was <br />such that the City main could not supply adequate waterflow they would <br />have to put in a secondary well backup system. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Engineer, with the cooperation <br />of the Building Official, to investigate the waterflow requirements to <br />satisfy Appendix E and to determine whether or not our water system <br />can meet these requirements. If it is determined it cannot, it should <br />be passed onto the City Attorney to find out if the City assumes some <br />liability if a business burns down that has been sprinkled because of <br />the existence of Appendix E. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. Public Hearing to adopt new City Administrator's Job Description <br />Since we have redone the City Administrator's job description which is <br />part of our city code, a public hearing is needed to formally adopt <br />this. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />The Council discussed the following: <br />207.080 MEETINGS . Add: responsible for notification of public <br />hearings. <br />207.120 QUALIFICATIONS : Change: B. Should have five years of <br />government experience. <br />Add Supervise/Manager wherever there is Supervise <br />
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