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03-15-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />appears to be some contingency funds that the City may not use on its <br />j current 201 Program? Bohrer stated that any contingencie, funds left <br />over cannot be used to reduce the assessments to the property holders <br />or to allocate the money in a fund necessary to maintain for <br />eventual replacement of the systems. A grant is a reimbursement --we <br />would have to spend it to pay a contractor, etc., before we are <br />eligible to get reimbursed. It is not a lump of money the City gets, <br />but a cost reimbursement of eligible costs. <br />Councilman Graves, referring to the assessment roll, felt why should <br />they participate if it is going to cost them more than if an installer <br />did it on their own. The consensus of the Council was that the 201 <br />Program should be closed and to continue on with the Public Hearing. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve Change Order 7--additional monitoring <br />well at Oak -Land School and Change Order 8--addition of Twin Point <br />Tavern into the 201 Project, Part D. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilwoman Armstrong did vote in favor of the motion, but had a <br />problem with letting the Twin Point Tavern coming back into the <br />program when they told the City they were not interested. <br />b. Final assessment role for 201 assessments <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, provided an assessment roll which had <br />been proofread and corrections were made on it. The primary change <br />was the inclusion of the Twin Point Tavern. Bohrer recommended that <br />the Council approve the roll so it an be forwarded to Washington <br />County for the hearing. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the final assessment role for the 201 <br />assessments and forward this onto Washington County for them to hold <br />the assessment hearing. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />c. Response to concerns raised over off -site systems <br />At the March 1, 1988 Council meeting, Ed Gorman appeared before the <br />Council to express his concerns over what he believed were problems <br />with the 201 Project and Old Village Remote Site D in particular. Mr. <br />Gorman reported standing water on the site, odorous conditions, and <br />the alarm lights coming on intermittently. A letter was written to <br />Mr. Gorman responding to his concerns. <br />Bohrer reported that this site, and all of the other sites, have been <br />monitored periodically by Tom Prew, TKDA project inspector; Dan <br />Olinger, Maintenance Foreman or City Engineer Bohrer, since December <br />31, 1987 when the City took over responsibility for the daily <br />operation of the system. The Contractor provides a one year warranty <br />on all material and workmanship. <br />To respond to Mr. Gorman's concerns, Tom Prew again inspected Remote D <br />on March 3 and again on March 9. In particular, Mr. Prew looked for <br />evidence of pipe failure or any other system malfunction. Based on <br />his inspections and their experience in start-up of these systems, <br />Remote Site D has functioned and continues to function as designed. <br />
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