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04-19-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-88 CCM
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O <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APRIL 19, 1988 <br />Mayor Christ called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the council <br />chambers. Present: Armstrong, Christ, Graves, Johnson, Moe, City <br />Engineer Bohrer, Deputy Clerk Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA M/S/P Graves/Johnson - To approve the agenda as amended - <br />Add 4A - VBWD request (Al Dornfeld). Motion carried 5-0. <br />2. MINUTES M/S/P Armstrong/Johnson - To approve the April 5, 1988 <br />minutes as amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />3. CLAIMS M/S/P Graves/Johnson - To approve the claims as amended - <br />Delete Claim #901-50. Motion carried 5-0. <br />4. LANDFILL UPDATE Todd Williams advised the council that the bill <br />berore the state legislature to stop the siting process as mandated by <br />state statute had failed, and the County will continue its <br />Environmental Impact Statement. Williams said the workshop recently <br />held -on the scoping document provided no positive results, and was <br />quite disappointed with the lack of input/concern of the county board, <br />and suggested that all city council members contact the commissioners <br />asking that they get more involved in the siting process. <br />4A. REQUEST FROM VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED - AL DORNFELD Mr. Dornfeld <br />told the council that problems had arisen in DeMontreville Park <br />whereas trees that had been removed had made the area accessible to <br />snowmobiles and other over the road.vehicles and had become a nuisance <br />to the residents in the area. He requested that VBWD be allowed to <br />hire the Lake Elmo maintenance crew to construct about a 20 foot <br />fence at the north end of the park to eliminate this problem. Mr. <br />Dornfeld further told the council that VBWD would, once permission was <br />received from the DNR, pump Sunfish Lake to City Park Pond - with the <br />hopes of getting Sunfish Lake to the level of 896.4. He again <br />requested that VBWD be allowed to hire the Lake Elmo maintenance crew <br />to install this 8" pump and to check it daily. He estimated it would <br />take 1 to 2 days to install the pipe and the diesel pump. <br />M/S/P/ Graves/Moe - To authorize the Lake Elmo maintenance crew to <br />work at the direction of VBWD in erecting approximately a 20 foot <br />fence at the north end of DeMontreville Park; and to authorize the <br />Lake Elmo maintenance crew to work at the direction of VBWD in <br />installing the pipes and monitoring the pump in Sunfish Park (which <br />will pump water to City Park Pond) for a period of up to two months or <br />until Sunfish Lake reaches the level of 896.4, with all costs for both <br />of these projects reimbursed to the City of Lake Elmo by Valley Branch <br />Watershed. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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