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04-19-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-88 CCM
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i <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-19-88 PAGE 2 <br />5. CONTINUATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST FOR HEIGHT OF SINGLE FAMILY <br />DWELLING IN R1 ZONING DISTRICT AT 5260 HILLTOP. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />d <br />P Graves/Johnson - to table this request until the 4-19-88 meeting. <br />request was tableat the April 5 meeting. There was no further <br />x(` information provided by the city staff. The applicants' <br />representative told the council that Washington County was in the <br />process of changing this height restriction as many requests have come <br />in for this type of variance as the styles of homes have changed. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - To deny the request of Al and Susy <br />Williams/Mastro Construction for a variance to the 35 foot building <br />height restriction based on the applicants not providing a <br />non -economical hardship. Motion carried 5-0 <br />The Council instructed the Planning Commission to review this <br />ordinance to determine if an amendment to the Lake Elmo Municipal Code <br />should be considered for building height restrictions. <br />6. CONTINUATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST FOR LOT SIZE AND SETBACK FROM <br />OHMW, AND SHORELAND PERMIT FOR LOT 6, KRAUSE'S ADDITION. (Motion carried5-0) <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to table this request until the 4-19-88 meeting, <br />This request was tabled at the April 5 meeting. There was no further <br />information provided by the city staff. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To grant a lot size and setback variance from the <br />OHWM (required setback is 100 feet and applicants propose to build at <br />70 feet) and a shoreland permit for Lot 6, Krause's Addition with the <br />stipulation that no further variances be granted for this property. <br />Motion carried 4-1 (Armstrong). <br />Armstrong felt that the house proposed for this substandard lot was <br />much too big. The lot itself should dictate the size of the house <br />rather than applicant receiving variances for the house desired. The <br />house could be designed and sized to fit the lot. <br />7. BOARD OF REVIEW <br />Deputy Clerk Kueffner told the council that, although it hasn't --.been a <br />practice in the past, a quorum of the city council should be present <br />at the board of review so that action can be taken if warranted. <br />Discussion followed on whether the council can appoint a board of <br />review. The Deputy Clerk will investigate this and will bring the <br />opinion of the City Attorney back to the council table on May 3. <br />8. WELL PUMP CONTROL MODIFICATIONS AND WATER SYSTEM ALARM On April <br />19, 1988, bids were received (by the City Engineer) for the above <br />referenced project, and the tabulation is outlined in the City <br />Engineer's memo of April 19, 1988 and made part of these minutes by <br />reference. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To award the bid for Well Pump Control <br />Modifications and Water System Alarm to the low bidder, Waldor Pump & <br />Equipment, which includes the base bid and alternate, for a total <br />amount of $5,264.00. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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