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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-19-88 PAGE 4 <br />12. JOINT MEETING WITH LAKE ELMO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Several members of the Planning Commission were present and discussion <br />t centered around Tax Increment Financing, Residential Estate Zoning and <br />the Comprehensive Plan's update. There was no action requested of or <br />taken by the City Council at this joint meeting. <br />The meeting was adjourned at at 10:15. <br />I <br />8eSC>1,.u7-18A) ft -d 06IN5 i 6,deCS, /9A8 H/.SH. .�®N/�r'our.^^eneeun5 <br />o2rJerviva -oi Aids. <br />/?'t4 gy: A) rbn, jii»,dro i0, 1`e /r&war�e 19a,61 64, <br />