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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-19-88 PAGE 3 <br />9. DRAFT SEPTIC PUMPING ORDINANCE AND REPORTING CARD <br />The City Engineer presented a revision of pages 701-39, 40 41 and 45 <br />of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code, which specifically addresses the <br />i proposed mandatory two-year pumping. Existing Section 701 of the City <br />Code, "Individual and Community Sewer Systems", already contains <br />Section 701.060, Operation and Maintenance. which requires septic <br />- tank pumping based on inspection or need. He also provided a draft of <br />the proposed reporting card. <br />The Council expressed concern with enforcement of the provision of the <br />code, 701.060 A.3 which states that "Maintenance inspection shall be <br />performed annually (not less than) by the owner or his agent. Such <br />v inspection shall include, but is not limited to"... <br />It was the concern of the council that we should not have a provision <br />in our code that could not be reasonably enforced and suggested that <br />the wording be changed to read: "The City recommends that a <br />maintenance inspection be performed not less than annually by the <br />owner or his agent. Such inspection should include, but is not <br />limited to":... Councilman Graves stated he did not want to see something <br />ini th ordinanchce about annual inspection if we do not have any intention <br />This cniangegwtMS15e incorporated into the draft ordinance and <br />presented at the public hearing called for May 3, 1988. <br />10. REVIEW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 47TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND <br />AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. <br />The City Engineer presented the plans and specifications for the 47th <br />Street Improvements which are made part of these minutes by reference. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To adopt resolution 88-18 approving the plans and <br />specifications for the 1988 M.S.A. improvements (47th Street from <br />Kimbro to Keats), and ordering advertisement for bids. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />11. REVIEW BID ON MOWER <br />Bids for a mower were received at city hall and opened on March 31, <br />1988 at 3:00 p.m. Bids received for the 1988 72" front deck mower <br />were as follows: <br />Polfus Imp. $8096.00 <br />MTI Dist. 8140.00 <br />Kromer Co. 9158.00 <br />MacQueen Eq. 8888.00 <br />Kortuem's 8195.00 <br />The Parks Commission reviewed these bids at its April 18, 1988 and <br />.recommended that the city council award the bid to the low bidder, <br />Polfus Imp. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - To award the bid for a 1988 72" front deck mower <br />to Polfus, Imp. for a #932 JDF John Deere for a total sum of $8096.00, <br />as recommended by the Parks Commission and Maintenance Foreman. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />