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04-05-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-05-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5,.1988 PAGE 4 <br />required. This was a pre-existing lot prior to the adoption of the <br />Shoreland Ordinance and no additional land is available. <br />Structure Setback from Water <br />The house is proposed to be a minimum of 70 feet from the OHW mar], <br />(elev. 924) where 100 feet is required. This house is proposed to be <br />somewhat closer to the water than the neighboring houses because of <br />the depth of the proposed house is 50 feet wide. <br />Septic System <br />Mr. Weiden has stated it would be a four bedroom house even though the <br />exact size of the house was not known. Bohrer stated the lot has <br />sufficient area to construct two drainfields and can meet all of the <br />provisions of the Code. The soil report states that the hill in the <br />northwest corner of the lot will be flattened. The report also shows <br />the trenches will be laid in in an east -west direction. The trenches <br />will better conform to the slope if laid in a north -south direction. <br />This should be worked out with the Building Inspector in the field <br />after the lot grading is finished. All the conditions of the <br />Shoreland Ordinance can be met. <br />The DNR had no concern with the lot size variance. It does have a <br />concern with the setback variance, insofar, as this variance should be <br />the only variance granted. This means that the applicant could not <br />come back at a later date and ask for another variance to add on a <br />deck, or expansion of the house. <br />City Engineer Bohrer clarified for the Council that the City code has <br />two requirements for lot size: one is found in the zoning ordinance <br />and the zoning ordinance does allow the 60% Rule --If a platted lot of <br />record has an area that is at least 600 of that required by the zoning <br />code then a variance from the zoning code is not required. The other <br />lot size requirement is found in the Shoreland Ordinance: this <br />ordinance requires 1 1/2 acres in size, but there is no such thing as <br />a 60% Rule,so-Zn this case a lot size variance from the zoning code is <br />not required --but a lot size variance from the shoreland ordinance is <br />still required. <br />Mr. Weiden stated his hardship would be the lot is of a configuration <br />that without a variance he could not build on the property. He would <br />downsize the house and add the deck to meet the requirements and <br />stated the total size (house and deck) would be 50 x 701. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />It appeared to Councilman Graves that this lot is of a configuration <br />that would prohibit construction for any size of house where there <br />would not require a variance from some setback. Now he has a 30 foot <br />setback from the road, and he wouldn't require it any closer than that <br />and there is 20 feet to the east boundaryline. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Johnson - to table this application for two weeks <br />until the April 19th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Reporting Card System <br />
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