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04-05-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-05-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1988 PAGE 5 <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained the City is considering adoption of an <br />ordinance initiating mandatory septic tank maintenance and verifiable <br />pumping. Bohrer stated that septic systems rarely fail, they were <br />either underdesigned or poorly maintained. All new systems are <br />designed in accordance with the latest codes and each system is <br />inspected during installation by the building inspector. Therefore, <br />all recent systems should be properly designed and installed. <br />As with any manufactured or constructed product, septic systems must <br />be maintained to continue working properly. Regular removal of the <br />solids from the septic tank by pumping is the most important <br />preventative maintenance procedure that a homeowner can do to ensure a <br />long life for a septic system. Regular maintenance is not performed <br />by many homeowners because septic systems are out of sight and, <br />therefore, out of mind. Many do not know that maintenance is required. <br />For these reasons, the city is instituting mandatory and verifiable <br />septic tank maintenance pumping with the recommended interval once <br />evey two years. It is proposed that the city will send a reminder to <br />every system owner with the city every two years to have their tanks <br />pumped. <br />Only pumpers licensed by the city can operate in Lake Elmo. These <br />pumpers will return a separate card to City Hall each time a tank is <br />pumped and the City will maintain the pumping records. Bohrer showed <br />an P-n example of the reporting card and suggested that the pumper note <br />on the card anything he observes. If a system owner refuses to get <br />their tank pumped after mailed a reminder from the City, the city has <br />the power to have the tank pumped and charge the homeowner. <br />Todd Williams stated he was in favor of it and felt it was long <br />overdue. He suggested if the city has to pump a tank, a punative <br />penalty should be charged. The Council would look into including a <br />penalty. <br />Responding to the suggestion that was made to put a contract out for <br />bids, Bohrer felt the competition among the pumpers would create the <br />lowest possible price to the homeowners --the Free Enterprise system <br />would work at its best. An annual contract can be done, but this is <br />creating another level of administration. The contract needs to be <br />administered, and any possible cost savings of getting a large <br />contract may be offset by the administrative burden of monitoring it. <br />Tom Palec ink 's Croixland Sewer Service, stated that Roger <br /> red }resspumping once a year and if you own a garabge <br />disposal, pumping should be done every 6 months to 1 year. <br />Bohrer explained that in the initial mailing they would try an <br />educational approach and provide information on how a septic system <br />works and a garbage disposal has harmful affects on the system. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:22 p.m. <br />
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