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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1988 PAGE 6 <br />I M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Staff to prepare a draft of the <br />Reporting Card System Ordinance and call a public hearing for the 1st <br />meeting in May to consider this ordinance. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. LAND USE, ZONING & ENGINEERING <br />A. Shoreland Permit for construction of boat house at <br />2945 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Applicant: Robert Leaf <br />Mr. Leaf has purchased the former Richard Durand property which <br />consists of shoreline on Lake Elmo, Tract A of RLS 67, and the land <br />locked property to the east called Parcel 0130. The house is located <br />on Tract A. Mr. Leaf proposes to construct a boathouse on the vacant <br />land west of Lake Elmo Avenue on the east shore of Lake Elmo. <br />Shoreland Regulations apply. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated in his letter dated March 31, 1988 to the <br />Council that it is not clear from the Shoreland Ordinance if a <br />variance is required. The Ordinance seems to permit boathouses <br />because it contains a definition for boathouses, and exempts <br />boathouses from the minimum building elevation requirement. What is <br />not clear is that the Ordinance specifically excludes piers and docks <br />from the shoreline setbacks but no mention is made if boathouses are <br />exempt from the setback. One might assume that since boathouses are <br />allowed and are exempt from elevation requirements, that exempting <br />them from the setback was an oversight. <br />If he cannot have a boathouse at the water's edge, Mr. Leaf was <br />willing to call it a portable building and not have it at the <br />shoreline. <br />Councilmember Graves felt it was the intent of the ordinance to allow <br />boathouses at the water's edge and exempt them from setback <br />requirements. Since this was the intent, then no variances are <br />required and the permit should be granted. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to grant Robert Leaf, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue, a <br />shoreland permit to construct a boathouse on the vacant land west of <br />Lake Elmo Avenue on the east shore of Lake Elmo and to direct the <br />Planning Commission to correct the oversight of the Shoreland <br />Ordinance excluding boathouses from the shoreline setbacks. (Motion <br />carried 4-1<Armstrong: Sfie-would-Iike-fo-hear-from-ifie-peopid'PoAfid <br />ghe-TakeSr.A tempgrary building shou�d be considered; in addition to <br />earing from peop e around the lake. <br />B. Preliminary Plat Approval for Downs Lake Estates <br />On March 14, 1988 the Planning Commission recommended to the City <br />Council that they approve the Downs Lake Estates Preliminary Plat, and <br />that exemption from ponding requirements not be granted (Section <br />401.240B.3) and with notification to the Council Code Section 305.040D <br />that the soils indicate they are a minimal soil with high runoff. <br />(Motion carried 7-2<Bucheck, Johnston>). <br />