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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1988 PAGE 9 <br />Councilwoman Armstrong disagreed with Folz and explained that -the <br />eap€ie}d-apgment-€a}}�-ade�-na-hemp-rainstorms under certain heavy rain - <br />conditions you are going to get runoff off the cornfield that will storm <br />amount to what he was talking about. Everyday that it rains in the <br />development you are going to get impervious driveway and rooftops that <br />the water will run straight off of here --it doesn't matter what the <br />conditions are. It is not true that there will always be more runoff <br />from a farmland because you get alot of water saturated into the <br />cornfield --but it always run offs the impervious driveways and <br />rooftops. <br />Bruce Folz had talked to Nels Nelson who stated the VBWD ordered the <br />waterplan study, allowing'$6000 to be spent on the study, and should <br />be completed the second Thursday in July. Folz felt even though we <br />have heard the comments and concerns from the people, the Council <br />should note that there is no flooding on Downs Lake or on Eden Park <br />Pond. The Pond is about 8 feet below flood level. <br />Councilman Moe suggested the City Staff should look into the statement <br />that the Voge residence was built in the drainage easement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to table the request pending the final report <br />for the VBWD as to an action plan they have to control the water level <br />in the Downs Lake Area. The Staff will review this report and then <br />the request will be put on the Council agenda. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to recommend the Building Official tabulate an <br />inventory of buildable lots in the city and to have the Planning <br />Commission review it. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Report from City Engineer on City's recent <br />adoption of Appendix Chapter 38 of UBC. <br />At the previous City Council meeting, City Engineer Larry Bohrer was <br />instructed to determine if the Old Village water system can sypport <br />automatic fire sprinkler systems. <br />Bohrer reported in his letter dated April 1, 1988 that the previous <br />City Building Code required sprinkling or alternative construction <br />methods for fire control. Amended Appendix Chapter 38 requires <br />sprinkling and elminates the use of alternatives. The Amendment would <br />apply city-wide. The discussion about sprinkling have centered on the <br />Old Village, but there are areas outside the Old Village already zoned <br />GB, HB, or P that would require sprinkling. The Old Village water <br />system could not directly supply sprinkling demands to all of the uses <br />that already exist in the Old Village, but it does not have to. Each <br />individual building owner would be required to construct his own <br />private facilities to supplement the City's supply to meet th NFPA <br />requirements. <br />Adopting Amended Appendix Chapter 38 does not require the City to <br />supply the water. If the municipality or a private well (if building <br />is in the rural area) cannot deliver the quantity of water required in <br />NFPA 13, then the building must obtain its own reservoir and/or <br />