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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1988 PAGE 10 <br />booster pump to meet the code requirements. The responsibility to <br />i supply a certain quantity of water is not upon the municipality, but <br />on the building owner. <br />The Council felt that adopting the Amendment does not place an undue <br />hardship on existing building owners or new development. <br />E. Partial Payment #4 to Lake Area Utility <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that a partial payment #4 to Lake <br />Area Utility in the amount of $7,859.26 be approved by the City <br />Council. This payment is for work completed by Lake Area Utility from <br />January 1, 1988 to March 31, 1988 which includes such work as <br />monitoring wells, some equipment that was included in the contract and <br />is to be turned over to the City, and some safety equipment for the <br />maintenance men. All of this work has already been anticipated and has <br />been figured into the assessment rolls. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve Partial Payment #4 to Lake Area Utility <br />in the amount of $7,859.26. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />P. Water System Alarms <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the bids have not been received. <br />Councilman Johnson had a concern on safety and the time period of this <br />request. <br />7. ADMINISTRATIVE <br />A. Parks Department request for skating rink in Tablyn Park. <br />Mark Busta is interested in putting in a skating rink 2500-4000 <br />sq.ft., 3-4' deep in Tablyn Park by using water from the VBWD's pond. <br />Busta had talked to the VBWD and asked if they would pay for the <br />excavation pointing out this would give them a benefit of a small <br />ponding area. The VBWD asked him to have City Engineer prepare a cost <br />estimate and then come back to them. <br />The Council discussed the costs versus putting in a well and using a <br />gas operated pump. Their main concern was the City's liability <br />because the pond would be construed as a public skating rink. <br />Larry Bohrer explained how the skating rink could be developed and <br />maintained. Bohrer had estimated $1500 for his engineering work. The <br />Council suggested that Busta ask the Parks Commission if they would be <br />willing to fund this project out of their Parks Budget. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to table City Council action and ask the Park <br />Commission to review and indicate if they would be willing to fund <br />this project out of their Parks Budget. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Set schedule for Board of Review <br />The Board of Review is scheduled for Thursday, May 19th from 2:30 p.m. <br />to 7:00 p.m. Mary Kueffner will look into if there has to be a quorum <br />