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05-17-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-17-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 17, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />Public notice was duly sent and published. There was no one to speak <br />for or against the variance request. <br />Mark Hatherly and Janet Keyes request a variance to the maximum size <br />(2000 square feet) of an accessory structure in the Rural Residential <br />zoning district. The applicants propose to build and operate a stable <br />for the boarding of 20 horses and accessory use, i.e., exercise area, <br />jumping area, and indoor riding ring, and stall area to be at least <br />18,000 square feet. The property is 20 acres E1/2 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 <br />Section 28. <br />Mr. Hatherly stated that these horses can be indoor boarded --they do <br />not intend to pasture the horses. Our Code states one horse per 2 1/2 <br />grazable acres so on 20 grazable acres you could have 8 horses. The <br />applicants felt this property was ideally suited because it has a <br />deeded access to the park. The hardship given was the type of horses <br />which are hunter jumpers and require indoor stalling. A large barn is <br />needed because the horses will be leaping over jumps and this requires <br />more room. Presently, they have four horses, but are looking at <br />boarding up to 20 horses. There is no land to be purchased around <br />these 20 acres in order to give them 40 acres which could be rezoned <br />to agricultural. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:26 p.m. <br />Councilman Graves pointed out that our ordinance relates to requiring <br />grazable acreage for one horse and does not address keeping horses in <br />indoor stalling. The Council decided to table this variance request <br />for two weeks. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to table this variance request until the June <br />7th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />5. No Parking Resolution for portion of 47th Street <br />The design for 47th Street includes placement of 200 feet of concrete <br />curb and gutter in front of Ed Steven's property (10133 47th St. N.) <br />to protect large oak trees. Whenever curbing is used, MnDOT considers <br />this section of road as "urban" and subject to parallel parking. The <br />curb section is not of sufficient width to allow parking, therefore, <br />MnDOT requires that the City designate the curbed section as "No <br />Parking". There is no restriction on parking on the north side. City <br />Engineer Bohrer provided a a sample resolution that would satisfy the <br />State Aid funding requirements. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnston - to adopt Resolution 88-20 restricting the <br />parking of motor vehicles on the south side of MSAS 104 (47th Street) <br />between 600 feet east of Keats Avenue to 800 feet east of Keats <br />Avenue, at all times. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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