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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 17, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />(streets affected by watermain breaks instead of <br />j normal street deterioration) <br />Total Proposed Expenditures $120,500 <br />Funds Available <br />Sealcoat Fund <br />$ <br />40,000 <br />1988 <br />MSA Maintenance Fund <br />$ <br />35,652 <br />1988 <br />Patch & Overlay Fund <br />$ <br />25,000 <br />1987 <br />Patch & Overlay Fund <br />$ <br />25,000 <br />Total <br />Funds Available <br />$125,652 <br />The City Council scheduled public hearings for June 7, 1988 for <br />bituminous overlays on the following streets: <br />1. Hilltop Avenue <br />2. 36th Street and the west 200 feet of 37th Street <br />3. Legion Avenue from 30th Street to the south. <br />4. Tablyn Park <br />5. Tablyn Park 2nd Addition <br />Larry Bohrer reported that these streets would not be benefitted from <br />sealcoating would require more extensive overlays than could be <br />provided by contract maintenance. He recommended that these overlays <br />be considered capital expenditures and assessed. Since the proposed <br />maintenance expenditures equal 95% of available maintenance funds, he <br />does not recommend City participation. <br />Bohrer stated the City has no written assessment formula. We have in <br />the past assessed per lot basis. There are three assessment formulas: <br />1) a unit assessment whereby every lot in a subdivision benefits <br />equally; therefore, each lot pays the same, 2) front footage method, <br />3) a portion assessed on unit basis and a portion on front footage. <br />Bohrer and Councilwoman Armstrong favored the unit method. Councilmen <br />Graves and Johnson wanted a combination of frontage and lot <br />assessment, but also wanted public input on Item 2A. Klondike and 33rd <br />Street. <br />Councilman Graves questioned the difference in "overlay" between #4 <br />(Bohrer memo of 5/17), and #4; Bohrer advised 1988 Maintenance Overlay <br />was for patching/potholes, whereas, the 1987 Maintenance Overlay was <br />for a complete overlay due to watermain breaks. <br />M/S/F - Armstrong/Johnson - to accept Larry Bohrer's recommendation <br />for a public hearing for June 7th for the above Items 1-5.and to <br />include 2A. Klondike and 33rd Street and to provide Larry direction to <br />assess the property on an equal unit basis. (Motion Failed <br />2-2-1<Johnson, Graves, Abstain: Moe>) <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to accept Larry Bohrer's recommendation for a <br />public hearing on June 7th for the above Items 1-5; to include 2A. <br />Klondike and 33rd Street; and, to instruct Larry Bohrer to make a <br />sample assessment roll based on two-thirds of the cost of the overlay <br />being assessed on a unit basis and one-third assessed on a front <br />footage basis. (Motion carried 4-1<Christ: supports the per unit <br />basis>). <br />