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APr °�6P <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MAY 3, 1988 <br />Acting -Mayor Armstrong called the City Council meeting to order at <br />7:02 p.m. in the City Council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Johnson, <br />Graves, Moe, City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney Knaak and Acting City <br />Administrator Kueffner. Absent: Christ <br />1. Agenda <br />Delete: 10. Variance Appeal-Williams/Mastro, 11. Residential Estates. <br />Add: 17. Solid Waste Advisory Board <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the May 3, 1988 City Council agenda <br />as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes: April 19, 1988 <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve the April 19, 1988 City Council <br />minutes as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />Change Claim #90210 to Rauenhorst, Carlson & Knaak for $3,012.85 <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the May 3, 1988 Claims #90163 thru <br />#90222 as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. Public Inquiries <br />Hugh Madson, 11060 32nd St. N., stated the streets are in the worse <br />condition he has ever seen. Yet the VBWD was given approval for our <br />city's maintenance crew to work on their project before they repaired <br />the streets. <br />City Engineer Bohrer agreed with Mr. Madson <br />has not started. On Monday Bohrer went with <br />Olinger around the City marking out patching <br />starting shortly. <br />5. Landfill Committee Report <br />that the blacktop patching <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan <br />areas. This work will be <br />Between the City and REAPP, the reduction of Mr. Dayton's bill has <br />been successfully negotiated --he has reduced his bill 40 percent. .The <br />City has an oustanding balance of $1800. Dan Novak presented a check <br />from REAPP for the $1800 balance. <br />Now that the legislation has failed, REAPP requested the City ask Mr. <br />Dayton to identify what options we pursue next and when, our chances <br />of winning, and an estimated cost associated with those. When Dan <br />talked to Dayton he mentioned a cost of $800-$1000 associated with <br />this third action. REAPP would pay a portion of this bill depending on <br />the amount, The City Council thought this was an excessive amount. <br />