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The Council did not want to get involved with a retainer. They requested <br />the following specific information from Attorney Dayton: (1) what steps <br />should now be taken in the fight against the pxlandfill siting <br />at the Labe Arno Regional,Paxk,Resgrve-and,*,hen they should be acted <br />upon; (k w at the'nrobat lity of succeSs-is'goin`g`"totbe; and (3) estimate <br />how much each might cost. (Amended 5-3-88) <br />City Attorney Knaak contacted Dayton's office and they have told the <br />City what the options are in a letter. They have not addressed the <br />cost, but are aware of our concerns. Knaak's understanding is Dayton <br />is suggesting waiting until the EIS is completed and then attacking <br />it. Knaak feels this is very sound. Knaak suggested asking Dayton if <br />he would wish to continue representing the City in this matter and the <br />nature and amount of any retainer he would require to continue to <br />serve as the City's counselor. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to direct the City Attorney to write a letter <br />to Attorney Charles Dayton requesting a short proposal for workl'that <br />is necessary to maintain the City's position in this matter at this <br />time through the scoping process and if Mr. Dayton would wish to <br />continue representing the City on this matter, in particular, the <br />nature and amount of any retainer he would require to continue serving <br />as the City's counselor during this period. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />6. Downs Lake Estates - Final Plat <br />Bruce Folz presented the Final Plat for Downs Lake Estates and <br />explained the proposed plat was in accordance with the preliminary <br />plat that was approved by the City Council and with the City Code <br />requirements for final platting. No variances were required and the <br />barn and shed have been removed. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to adopt Resolution 88-19 approving the final <br />plat of Downs Lake Estates contingent upon the following: (1) that <br />applicant pay a park dedication fee of $250 for the newly created lot; <br />(2) that the applicant pay all costs incurred in reviewing this plat; <br />(3) that the applicant record this final plat within 120 days of <br />approval. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />7. PUBLIC HEARING - Reporting Card System <br />Acting Mayor Rose Armstrong opened up the public hearing at 7::33 p.m. <br />in the City Council chambers. <br />Planning Commission Chairman Steve DeLapp stated the Reporting Card <br />System was a good idea and this would teach septic system owners the <br />proper methods of taking care of their systems. <br />Harry Besch, 9521 Stillwater Blvd N., asked if the City Council <br />believed the entire city should be pumped because he agreed they <br />should be pumped. <br />Armstrong closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />Councilman Graves stated it was unfortunate the City had to become <br />involved, but because of the health and welfare of the community being <br />endangered because of failing septic systems he would support this. <br />Councilman Johnson stated, based on his experience of being a realtor, <br />he has found people are uneducated about maintaining their septic <br />