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® Estimated Assessme <br />'1 It has been past City policy on other State Aid projects to assess only <br />those costs which are not eligible for State Aid reimbursement. The only <br />items not eligible for State Aid reimbursement are legal fees for land <br />condemnation, engineering costs in excess of 18 percent of the <br />construction cost, and administrative costs. Engineering costs would <br />exceed this amount If substantial time Is involved in land acquisition or <br />additional hearings. <br />Of the total project cost formulated above, it is estimated that MSA funds <br />will cover $371,228 and the local share will be $11,200. The estimated <br />assessments, based on the above assumptions, are $750 to $1,000 per lot. <br />The City's MSA construction account, after completion of 47th Street which <br />is presently under contract, is estimated to be $495,000. <br />The City Council should order the improvement of these roads for the <br />following reasons: <br />i. This road has been the source of many complaints over the years. <br />2. This road is in the City's long range MSA plan for construction. - <br />3. This road carries over 200 cars per day. <br />4. It has been a long range goal of the City to pave existing gravel <br />roads. - <br />5. It is our opinion that Ms. Ziebell is moderately willing to sell. <br />6. There are adequate funds in the City's MSA account to construct the <br />project. <br />7. If the City does not reduce its MSA account to below $300,000, its <br />allotment will be reduced beginning In 1989. <br />8. Assessments are minimal. <br />It is recommended that the City order the preparation of plans and <br />specifications for the project, and have the formal appraisals prepared on <br />the right-of-way acquisition. <br />-5- 9150-008 <br />