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06-21-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-21-88 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes - June 21, 1988 Page 2 <br />Graves/Moe - To approve the plans and specifications for the addition <br />of a media center to the Lake Elmo Elementary School, as on file in <br />i the city office, based on the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission and City Engineer. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Councilman Johnson stated that he was concerned with the proposal to <br />the extent that when the 1987 addition was made to the school, the <br />council was told there would be no more additions, and now this <br />proposal is before the council. This proposal had to be under <br />consideration last year when the first addition was made and the <br />council should have been advised. <br />5C. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE TO SETBACK FROM OHWM AND SHORELAND <br />APPLI <br />Acting Mayor Armstrong opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. It was <br />noted that the notice of public hearing was published in the legal <br />newspaper and the effected property owners were notified. <br />It was noted by the council that the existing boathouse does not meet <br />the 100' setback from the OHWM, but the addition of the proposed deck <br />would not increase the non -conformity of the boathouse, which has been <br />in existance since 1940. <br />There were no residents at this public hearing to speak for or against <br />this variance request and the public hearing was closed at 7:42 p.m. <br />Moe/Graves - To grant a variance to the setback from the OHWM for the <br />construction of a 12 x 16 foot wood deck to the south side of Pierre's <br />Pier at 2880 Lake Elmo Ave. contingent upon approval from the DNR; as <br />the applicant has proven a hardship in that the building is existing; <br />the building is already non -conforming, and the addition of the deck <br />will not increase the non -conformity of the building. Motion carried <br />4-0. <br />NOTE: The DNR responded to this request on June 22, 1988. There <br />approval is based on there being no further requests for variances, or <br />requests to screen in or enclose the deck. <br />6A PUBLIC HEARING 43RD & KIMBRO STREET IMPROVEMENT <br />Acting Mayor Armstrong opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. It was <br />noted that the notice of public hearing was published in the legal <br />newspaper and the effected property owners were notified. <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer presented the Feasibility Report dated June <br />16, 1988 for the proposed 1988-89 MSA Improvement of Kimbro Ave. from <br />47th St. to 43rd St. and 43rd St. from Kimbro Ave. to Lake Elmo Ave. <br />This report which outlines this project in detail is made part of <br />these minutes by reference. <br />
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