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06-21-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-21-88 CCM
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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes - June 21, 1988 Page 3 <br />Following the Engineer's presentation, discussion centered around a <br />request from many residents in the area for a "paved walkway" which <br />y would keep walkers and bikers off of the main roadway and thereby <br />create safer conditions. <br />The Engineer's preliminary estimate to include a paved walkway in this <br />project is $7,000. However, right-of-way to include this paved <br />walkway would not be MSA eligible and since there are no funds to <br />cover paying for this right-of-way acquisition it would have to be <br />donated by the effected property owners. The concensus of the council <br />and the residents was to continue working on a solution to allow for a <br />paved walkway, which if ordered by the council when final figures are <br />tabulated, could be considered a change order and included in the MSA <br />Street Improvement Project. <br />Acting Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing at 9:00 p.m. <br />Graves/Moe - To adopt Resolution 88-28 ordering the preparation of <br />plans and specifications for the 1988-89 MSA Improvements; the <br />improvement of Kimbro Avenue from 47th Street to 43rd Street and 43rd <br />Street from Kimbro Avenue to Lake Elmo Avenue, and to request further <br />study by the City Engineer as to the feasibility and placement of a <br />paved walkway. Motion carried 4-0. <br />7A RIGHT-OF-WAY CONDEMNATION - 43RD & KIMBRO IMPROVEMENT <br />SALLY ZIEBELL <br />The City Engineer reported that MSA standards require a minimum design <br />speed of 40 mph. In order to achieve this, a gradual curve of 500' <br />radius must be constructed to negotiate the 90 degree turn. This <br />curve will require the acquisition of about 1.5 acres of land from <br />Sally Ziebell. At its closest point, the centerline of the road would <br />be 37 feet from the southwest corner of th Ziebell house. This means <br />the house would be adjacent to the new right-of-way line with no <br />setback. Past experience with the State Aid variances indicates that <br />a tighter curve designed for less than 40 mph would not be approved. <br />The results of proceeding with this road would be to take a house <br />which presently conforms to setbacks and create a non -conformity. <br />Also, if the approximately 1.5 acres needed for the curve would be <br />taken by condemnation, the monetary award for damages woud most <br />probably include the value of the house. In other words, the City <br />probably could not acquire the right-of-way for the curve without also <br />compensating the owners for the value of the house. <br />In 1987, Penfield Inc. prepared a "ballpark" estimate of right-of-way <br />and house value for the Ziebell parcel at $82,000. This estimate will <br />need to be updated to 1988 prices. For the purpose of this estimate <br />$90,000 plus $10,000 for relocation costs was used. The actual costs <br />will depend on whether the council will consider the remaining 3 acre <br />parcel as buildable. <br />Johnson/Graves - To give conceptual approval for a lot size variance <br />to Sally Ziebell for the construction of a single family dwelling on <br />
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